Last Person #5

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Sorry to hear that....pansy...... 60 is down right balmy....60s is short t-shirt and swimming weather...use to take the motorcycle out at 45...sheesh...and I thought they were tough in Colorado......:D

.. it will be 43 here this, what now appears to be a foot or more of snow I am getting...will come with a side of flooding

Are you kidding?


Winds here today, you can feel like you're doing 70 mph standing still... You might actually be happy driving your Vette at reasonable speeds! :)

I am, always. It's just that you and I have different definitions of "reasonable" in this context. :)
Had to make a trip to Mexico today to get some soda and printer ink. Coming home, the highway was empty except for me and a lovely dark blue Challenger. We engaged in activities you'd disapprove of (remember, deserted highway in Mexico). After, I dropped back to give him a thumbs up, because he'd hung with me better than I expected. That's when I saw the Hellcat logo on his fender. We stopped, chatted. I tried to convince him that my 19 year old daily driver was bone stock, but he wasn't buying it.
My first Hellcat kill.

It sucks to be you, DD.

It does! It's SOOOOO much nicer to drive with the roof off. Although the above mentioned Mexico antics would NOT be fun with the roof off.
Went to the store today. I saw they had a sale on energy drinks but I didn't give in. I took three deep breaths. I Even counted to ten and took three More deep breaths. I only looked back once but you better believe I didn't get any... :cool:
Went to the store today. I saw they had a sale on energy drinks but I didn't give in. I took three deep breaths. I Even counted to ten and took three More deep breaths. I only looked back once but you better believe I didn't get any... :cool:

I'm not sure I believe you...
I am, always. It's just that you and I have different definitions of "reasonable" in this context. :)

Oh, I have a ball driving at totally unreasonable speeds. I just do it when my car is decorated with pretty blue lights... :D
Sorry to hear that....pansy...... 60 is down right balmy....60s is short t-shirt and swimming weather...use to take the motorcycle out at 45...sheesh...and I thought they were tough in Colorado......:D

.. it will be 43 here this, what now appears to be a foot or more of snow I am getting...will come with a side of flooding
just shun him already
A pity shun, for sure....but once in 10 years....have a heart!
that's cheating!
everybody gets out of your way!
No -- it adds difficulty. Most driver IQs drop by at least 30 points when they see blue lights... and most of them don't have any to spare to begin with...
Tournament tomorrow and a fighting seminar tonight.

The guy putting on the seminar is my son’s favorite fighter and the best competitor in our he is having a ton of fun.

Those hardwood floors look so old school, it has such a cool look.
Just a light dusting.....
(A phrase forever steeped in infamy in Alabama...)

When I was in Junior High in Massachusetts there was a major storm predicted by every major weather station in the area. One little radio station said it would miss us.... every school in the area closed.... I got up the next day to a bright sunny day that was just a little bit snow at all.... for the next 2 years they refused to close school if it snowed... they would send us home least 3 times in a blizzard... and could not get on the bus, my house was 100 feet on the wrong side of the bus stop so I had to walk was 2 miles.....
Oh, I have a ball driving at totally unreasonable speeds. I just do it when my car is decorated with pretty blue lights... :D

I'm planning on doing the Colorado Mile this fall. I'm expecting 190's. It's possible I could top 200, but if I do I'll get kicked out for not having a full cage.
Oh, I have a ball driving at totally unreasonable speeds. I just do it when my car is decorated with pretty blue lights... :D

I was surprised in Arizona that the speed limit was 75mph...took me awhile to get use to it....kept automatically driving between 65 and 70
I was surprised in Arizona that the speed limit was 75mph...took me awhile to get use to it....kept automatically driving between 65 and 70

In some parts of Texas, it's 85. Which is cool. Because then my normal speeds are closer to the limit, which minimizes the fines.
One of the things I've learned is that if you're outside Colorado and get a moving violation, it's just a fine. No points on your license, and no hit on your insurance rates. As long as you pay the fine. If not, Colorado will suspend your license. I don't know if this is true in other states, but it's true in Colorado, and since that's where my license is from it's all I really care about. Another reason I enjoy road trips. :)
Those hardwood floors look so old school, it has such a cool look.

And they have that old wooden floor creak sound as you walk and train on them.

It’s a great dojo.

We are friends with the owner. He retired a few years ago and now one of his students runs it. But he really built a nice place to train.
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