Last Person #5

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Should be, but sadly no, based on the slurry they are fed on many farms.
yeah, that was what made the 'Mad Cow Disease' happen (grossly overblown, of course), by not thoroughly rendering the carcasses of sick sheep and feeding them to the cows.
But cows do drink milk if given the chance...not all, but some will...
cow are feed top notch stuff.....said the swine. you should see what they feed pigs.
I consider myself a second-hand vegetarian. Cows eat grass, I eat the cows.
I say vegetarian by proxy... The cows, pigs, chickens, etc. eat vegetables, and I eat them.
I say vegetarian by proxy... The cows, pigs, chickens, etc. eat vegetables, and I eat them.

yet another vegetarian predator I must keep my eye on

I call the ladies (almost all of an older model) who keep track of the hospital's telemetry devices 'the flying monkeys'
Cos they will hunt you down if one of them boxes goes missing...

But otherwise they are nice ladies....I think....
If you bribe me enough, I won't tell our telemetry ladies at the hospital you said this. :p
I did have to adjust my diet a few years ago to improve (raise) my HDLs. The doc gave me the choice of medication ("It will work, but will probably have some side effects.") or drinking more red wine. It was tough making the adjustment to my diet, but health is important.
Now how do we go about making our health insurance pay for our... um.... HDLs supplements?
Good point, there's no universal diet that is best for everyone. Ethnic background, health history, physical intolerances and body type all play a significant factors in determining which diet will work best for you. Ever since I've became a Pescetarian I've had more energy and less bowel issues. I don't think Pescetarianism is for everyone, but I think and feel it's best for me.

As long as your diet is providing you with sufficient nutrition, keeps you HDLs, LDLs and cholesterol within normal limits, you're in good shape. The only criticism I have is to not get swept up by popular commercial diets that aren't good for you.
Yup... Popular commercial diets and unrealistic body standards...

There was a time when I was size 0. I hate looking at photos of myself from that time - it was one of the most miserable periods in my life and I looked TERRIBLE. Like a bobblehead. I now have a big tush, big shoulders, and big boobs, but I no longer hate myself, I exercise tons, I love cooking, and generally do my best to enjoy life. I still have some hangups, but nowhere near as bad.
you have to stick with cow then, Chickens and Pigs are omnivores...
They eat vegetables, I eat them. Vegetarian by proxy.

But, for some reason, this song is coming to mind...
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