I asked my doctor about this, and she explained to me (and directed me to some other sources to get more information) that, like many other diets, vegetarianism is not the devil and not the panacea. It works exceedingly well for some people. It works not at all for others. I respect people who make that choice and are happy with it - that's the most important thing. I don't understand how something can be considered healthy if the person doing it is miserable. So, as long as someone is a happy vegetarian and a happy vegan - that's what it's all about.
Having spent a large portion of my life standing in line for meat, cheese, eggs, milk, and other things not included in vegetarian or vegan diet, I don't think I could ever become a vegetarian. I am enjoying the access to all that stuff way too much. It has nothing to do with any health considerations - it's purely psychological. I love the idea of being able to go to the store and get... a steak... or .... a chicken... or... a duck... or... salmon - bring it home and cook it... and not even have to wonder whether it might be radioactive or mutated. It's a beautiful thing. There is a VERY good reason why the cook book I wrote is titled
The Binge.