Last Person #5

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Jus make sure you don’t forget the anesthesia.....


Hmmm I will have to get that...I have this


with a little of this

I had that issue when we moved last, but I got lucky and found a doctor I like as much as my previous DO (the one who suggested I needed more red wine).
Hey, it was for good cholesterol! Also, I've read it's useful for people who's had radiation exposure - so that's the story I'm using.
It is that time of day when the sinus stuff kicks in and starts my teeth and jaw hurting too......I need to go home, take some herbal, be a pin cushion, do some taijiquan and yoga...and see if I can get rid of this dang stuff.... My MDs response on this still has me thinking I need a new MD
It is that time of day when the sinus stuff kicks in and starts my teeth and jaw hurting too......I need to go home, take some herbal, be a pin cushion, do some taijiquan and yoga...and see if I can get rid of this dang stuff.... My MDs response on this still has me thinking I need a new MD
A bubble bath and a mimosa would be nice too.
And if you rub cayenne powder in your eyes, your vision will improve.

[Disclaimer: please don't actually do either of these things.]
One of them will have a more immediate and memorable effect than the other... maybe domeone eill try both and provide video documentation?

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I've seen Planes Trains and Automobiles dozens of times, and I JUST discovered today there's a stinger at the end of the movie.
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