Last Person #5

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actual temperature here at this moment is -1.

Also there are sharks washing up on the shores of Cape Code, frozen to death....
Moved about half a cord of wood today. Moving the other half tomorrow. Getting this year's supply consolidated to make room for a cord being delivered next weekend to season for next year. Getting it early, because I got this one a bit late, and it's still not fully seasoned. By the end of the winter, there should be room to go ahead and get at least another half-cord put in to season for next year.
Well.... I think I will go to bed and listen to the wind and remember the days when I had to do an outside night patrol at a hospital in this type of weather.... and be happy I am no longer dong it.... goodnight MT
my respect goes out to those with a Youtube channel. im trying my hand at it and its not been easy. my only equipment is an HD camera so lighting has been an issue. but more than that has been my own performance. my brain get stuck when i try to talk to the camera. its funny because in front of a class or an actual audience my brain goes into a kind of flow and i can just roll out some really deep thinking stuff. but without the audience, just me and the camera with a preconceived topic with college lecture level dialog ,,,,man my thoughts just lock up. not sure if practice is what i need or maybe the depth of the material is to much without memorization.
oh well keep trying...
my respect goes out to those with a Youtube channel. im trying my hand at it and its not been easy. my only equipment is an HD camera so lighting has been an issue. but more than that has been my own performance. my brain get stuck when i try to talk to the camera. its funny because in front of a class or an actual audience my brain goes into a kind of flow and i can just roll out some really deep thinking stuff. but without the audience, just me and the camera with a preconceived topic with college lecture level dialog ,,,,man my thoughts just lock up. not sure if practice is what i need or maybe the depth of the material is to much without memorization.
oh well keep trying...

You can buy lights really cheap online.
I got a set we got years ago when we tried to start a photo booth. Big bulbs, came with stands and umbrellas (to difuse the light and soften it)
Rome wasn't build in one night, neither was the equipment stock of the other youtubers.
One you get some money rolling in, you can upgrade.
maybe you can film first, then overlay the explanation?
Video makers are so easy to use these days.
Or film in front of a life studio's been done before!But they all were beginners at one time
Personally I hate to hear my recorded voice.
my respect goes out to those with a Youtube channel. im trying my hand at it and its not been easy. my only equipment is an HD camera so lighting has been an issue. but more than that has been my own performance. my brain get stuck when i try to talk to the camera. its funny because in front of a class or an actual audience my brain goes into a kind of flow and i can just roll out some really deep thinking stuff. but without the audience, just me and the camera with a preconceived topic with college lecture level dialog ,,,,man my thoughts just lock up. not sure if practice is what i need or maybe the depth of the material is to much without memorization.
oh well keep trying...

Keep the camera off. Run through what you want the video to include.....afterwards script it out in outlines. Then turn the camera on and film.

You can take multiple takes and edit it together afterwards.
my respect goes out to those with a Youtube channel. im trying my hand at it and its not been easy. my only equipment is an HD camera so lighting has been an issue. but more than that has been my own performance. my brain get stuck when i try to talk to the camera. its funny because in front of a class or an actual audience my brain goes into a kind of flow and i can just roll out some really deep thinking stuff. but without the audience, just me and the camera with a preconceived topic with college lecture level dialog ,,,,man my thoughts just lock up. not sure if practice is what i need or maybe the depth of the material is to much without memorization.
oh well keep trying...
Use notes. If you don't want to be checking a note pad as you talk, use a whiteboard behind the camera (which will also keep you looking "at" the camera...)
Personally I hate to hear my recorded voice.
it can be shocking for some people to hear their recorded voice. ive been recording my voice since i was young for music. what i hear in my head is pretty much what i sound like but i do not think that is true for most. the resonance in the skull seems to make people think they sound different then they actually do.

You can take multiple takes and edit it together afterwards.
im trying to do it in one take. i do not have any editing software yet. im really just trying to figure out the process of making the videos. lighting, b-roll, editing bumpers. audio i am well familiar with since i have done a lot of music and sound work in the past. but the modern stuff does make me feel old.
it can be shocking for some people to hear their recorded voice. ive been recording my voice since i was young for music. what i hear in my head is pretty much what i sound like but i do not think that is true for most. the resonance in the skull seems to make people think they sound different then they actually do.

im trying to do it in one take. i do not have any editing software yet. im really just trying to figure out the process of making the videos. lighting, b-roll, editing bumpers. audio i am well familiar with since i have done a lot of music and sound work in the past. but the modern stuff does make me feel old.
If you are using windows, you have some video editing software.
My husband bought me a Corel program, but I don't really like the way their stuff operates.
Plus I don't really do video.
I made this one 6 years ago, just with photos, but that was on an old Windows Vista version (the movie maker was easy to use, but with each 'improvement' the apps suck more.)
good practices this morning! large class, lots of fun!

any ideas on games for kids classes..? not long games,
just games to make them think a little bit more..

One, two three Red Light.

You face the other way counting "one, two, three" as they move up the floor throwing kicks. When you say "red light" you spin around. If you see anybody's movement they have to go back to the start.
Visited my mom and sister today... We roasted marshmallows outside today. It was pretty messy. Got marshmallow on my hands.
my respect goes out to those with a Youtube channel. im trying my hand at it and its not been easy. my only equipment is an HD camera so lighting has been an issue. but more than that has been my own performance. my brain get stuck when i try to talk to the camera. its funny because in front of a class or an actual audience my brain goes into a kind of flow and i can just roll out some really deep thinking stuff. but without the audience, just me and the camera with a preconceived topic with college lecture level dialog ,,,,man my thoughts just lock up. not sure if practice is what i need or maybe the depth of the material is to much without memorization.
oh well keep trying...
Practice does get you there. I used to be useless when performing just for a camera. I had to find a "voice" that was mine. Delivering public and corporate training seminars (non-MA) helped me do that. If I'd been teaching actively at that time, that probably would have been sufficient.
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