Last Person #5

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Matching feral rooster who moved into our yard last week..


And I think the horse CB posted might be the one this rooster rode in on. :)
Guys I’m gonna have one heckuva ranch....knappstruppers, Dalmatians, and spotted chickens.

CB’s Spotted Ranch.

@Buka I’m gonna need you to keep that spotted rooster bloodline going til I retire and start the ranch in 12 years.
Funny thing about Die Hard. The original pre-release posters for the movie didn't have Bruce Willis's image on them, nor his name. The producers didn't think America was going to buy Willis as an action hero. [Which was kind of odd as they had already paid Willis an unprecedented five million bucks for the film]

After a very successful weekend opening of the film, they immediately released new posters with Willis' face and name on them. Producers in Hollywood are such nitwits. In fact, I'm pretty sure it's a requirement.
was thinking about the American 1980's TV show Threes company,

the show would never fly today.
Mr Ropper was breaking the law with discrimination because he wouldnt let Jack live there since he felt a single man should not be living with 2 women, so Jack had to pretend he was gay (this would have the LGBT,Q group up in arms) then Chirsy was a stereo typical dittsy blond( feminists would be marching in Hollywood) all the while these two women were being sexually harrased by Jack and his hairy chested friend Larry. the only group they wouldnt have upset today would be Black lives matter......but then there were no black people on the that would be reason enough to prove they were being discriminated against.

... ah the good old days of TV programing
was thinking about the American 1980's TV show Threes company,
View attachment 21156

the show would never fly today.
Mr Ropper was breaking the law with discrimination because he wouldnt let Jack live there since he felt a single man should not be living with 2 women, so Jack had to pretend he was gay (this would have the LGBT,Q group up in arms) then Chirsy was a stereo typical dittsy blond( feminists would be marching in Hollywood) all the while these two women were being sexually harrased by Jack and his hairy chested friend Larry. the only group they wouldnt have upset today would be Black lives matter......but then there were no black people on the that would be reason enough to prove they were being discriminated against.

... ah the good old days of TV programing
You are probably right. There is a long list of shows that would never take off today. Although... I don't know... what installation of "Sharknado" are we on now? And people do watch the "Real Wives" series. So... you never know. I am still trying to figure out whether we are progressing or regressing - culturally speaking. :-)

"That girl" might still work - with some adjustments. And "Mary Tyler Moore Show"... While still wrought with stereotypes and unrealistic expectations (how on earth did Ann Marie pay for that apartment - in NYC no less - and that seemingly endless array of cute dresses?!), these two shows were revolutionary - in "That girl", the girl moved out not to marry but to pursue a profession. She didn't do it well (pursue the profession that is), but that was her goal. And in "Mary Tyler Moore", she actually walked away from a marriage - SHOCKER! in those days - and set out for herself.
I wonder how the TV series All In The Family would do today if, say, it was premièring this week?
What would politically correct America think of Archie Bunker?
I wonder how the TV series All In The Family would do today if, say, it was premièring this week?
What would politically correct America think of Archie Bunker?
one of the best shows ever in my mind. that and sanford and son.

but yeah Norman Lear would be on the unemployment line with Weinstein
one of the best shows ever in my mind. that and sanford and son.

I think so, too. And I think both would be hits if they came out today. They'd be written more topically for these times, of course, but I think they would work well.
I wonder how the TV series All In The Family would do today if, say, it was premièring this week?
What would politically correct America think of Archie Bunker?

That he would be the perfect running mate for Der Trumpenfuhrer?
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