It's all about picking the time and place. Admittedly, when I do get a ticket, it's a big one. The last one I got, I'd slowed down to 97MPH before I was clocked. But that was nearly five years ago.
As far as crashing goes... I've put a fair bit of time, effort, and money into learning to drive a car that's accurately labeled as "stupid fast." I've done race driving schools with Frank Hawley (drag racing), and both Skip Barber and Bob Bondurant (road racing). I'm no professional racing driver, but I think I'm OK. In the 40 years I've been had a drivers license, I've had exactly one crash on the road that would be considered my fault (I nodded off for a second after 16 hours in the ER and went into a ditch). The other two crashes I've been in were in no way my fault. In one, I was stopped on a two lane road waiting for traffic to clear so I could turn left. In the other, I went straight through an intersection and was broadsided by someone who didn't wait for traffic to clear before turning left.