Last Person #5

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I'm not a shopper. Largely because I absolutely loathe crowds.
Thank the gods for online shopping...
Can't beat online shopping. Couple cocktails, late night TV in the background...course it leads to a case of the next morning "I bought what?" But, hey, it's Christmas.
I’m not a shopper, either, but I like hanging out with my frau.

My wife considers shopping a sport. I leave her to it.


This is very much us...
the paw is gimpy, I suspect she will lose the nail on that toe. I guess we will have to keep an eye on it, to keep it from getting infected.
She's snoozing on my lap right now - which is normal
When one of mine lost a nail last year, she immediately walked better. Vet said keep it as clean as I could, but not to bandage it or put any ointment on it - she needs that to toughen and form a new nail (assuming the cuticle is there when the nail comes off).
Server died....not to worry...I have backups.....backup one is dead....not to worry...backup two is still running......but apparently also you have some idea of how my day is going
Been there, back in the days when I was network admin for a small company.
Christmas shopping today. Looking forward to it.
Have most of mine done. Mostly because my wife starts much earlier than me, and ends up taking care of most of the family. I get to spend most of my Christmas money on her. And I really like getting stuff for her, so I have a lot of fun with Christmas shopping.
Have most of mine done. Mostly because my wife starts much earlier than me, and ends up taking care of most of the family. I get to spend most of my Christmas money on her. And I really like getting stuff for her, so I have a lot of fun with Christmas shopping.
No, what you REALLY like is whining about Christmas gifts burning a hole in your pocket. :-)
60F now. And going to get close to 70 today. Time to get the Vette out of the garage...
when is science going to install a USB for our brains? i am very impatient and i dont want to waste time having to read and study so would be so much better if i could just down load everything to my brain.
What happens if you get a virus and your harddrive crashes?
Just witnessed a great prison break....

Three puppies (a,b,c) stand at bottom of gate as one puppy (d) climbs up on their back.....once on their back....Puppy d jumps up and hits the gate latch with his head unlatching the gate as the three bottom puppies push on the gate so it opens as soon as the gate latch raises.

Delinquets.....all of them.
You don't have a copy of "The great escape" lying around the house by any chance, do you?
60F now. And going to get close to 70 today. Time to get the Vette out of the garage...
Every time you mention that car, I just wonder how long I could go without either crashing or getting a big ticket. I'm guessing about 15 minutes.
Every time you mention that car, I just wonder how long I could go without either crashing or getting a big ticket. I'm guessing about 15 minutes.

It's all about picking the time and place. Admittedly, when I do get a ticket, it's a big one. The last one I got, I'd slowed down to 97MPH before I was clocked. But that was nearly five years ago.
As far as crashing goes... I've put a fair bit of time, effort, and money into learning to drive a car that's accurately labeled as "stupid fast." I've done race driving schools with Frank Hawley (drag racing), and both Skip Barber and Bob Bondurant (road racing). I'm no professional racing driver, but I think I'm OK. In the 40 years I've been had a drivers license, I've had exactly one crash on the road that would be considered my fault (I nodded off for a second after 16 hours in the ER and went into a ditch). The other two crashes I've been in were in no way my fault. In one, I was stopped on a two lane road waiting for traffic to clear so I could turn left. In the other, I went straight through an intersection and was broadsided by someone who didn't wait for traffic to clear before turning left.
I've spun out on the track plenty of times, and I went into the retaining wall at Bandemere in a full on '69 Camaro drag car. But it's sort of expected at the track, when you're pushing yourself and the car to the limit.
I do go fast on the road, but I'm very particular about the circumstances. And I'm never anywhere near the limit when I do.

IMG_3226.webp Loki Dyno Sheet 001.webp

The red lines are the HP/TQ numbers for the mostly stock factory LS1. The blue lines are for the modified LS3 I've got in it now. Numbers measured at the wheels. Factory numbers are measured at the flywheel, in which case this engine makes about 815HP and 700lb/ft TQ.
It's all about picking the time and place. Admittedly, when I do get a ticket, it's a big one. The last one I got, I'd slowed down to 97MPH before I was clocked. But that was nearly five years ago.
As far as crashing goes... I've put a fair bit of time, effort, and money into learning to drive a car that's accurately labeled as "stupid fast." I've done race driving schools with Frank Hawley (drag racing), and both Skip Barber and Bob Bondurant (road racing). I'm no professional racing driver, but I think I'm OK. In the 40 years I've been had a drivers license, I've had exactly one crash on the road that would be considered my fault (I nodded off for a second after 16 hours in the ER and went into a ditch). The other two crashes I've been in were in no way my fault. In one, I was stopped on a two lane road waiting for traffic to clear so I could turn left. In the other, I went straight through an intersection and was broadsided by someone who didn't wait for traffic to clear before turning left.
I've spun out on the track plenty of times, and I went into the retaining wall at Bandemere in a full on '69 Camaro drag car. But it's sort of expected at the track, when you're pushing yourself and the car to the limit.
I do go fast on the road, but I'm very particular about the circumstances. And I'm never anywhere near the limit when I do.

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The red lines are the HP/TQ numbers for the mostly stock factory LS1. The blue lines are for the modified LS3 I've got in it now. Numbers measured at the wheels. Factory numbers are measured at the flywheel, in which case this engine makes about 815HP and 700lb/ft TQ.
The training at the track is the part I really lack, so I'd just be the "stupid" part of "fast". In my adult life (after 18), I've only had wrecks that weren't my fault (people pulling out in front of me, or rear-ending me), mostly because I know I'm not equipped to drive something like that. Good on ya' for getting that track time in, and putting the crashes where they belong.
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