Last Debate -- Nothing New Here!


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
SIGH! So damn glad I don't watch these things anymore... Get tired of wiping the mud/crap off my tv screen.

McCain, Obama get tough, personal in final debate

By BETH FOUHY, Associated Press Writer 3 minutes ago

HEMPSTEAD, N.Y. - John McCain assailed Barack Obama's character and his campaign positions on taxes, abortion and more Wednesday night, hoping to turn their final presidential debate into a launching pad for a political comeback. "You didn't tell the American people the truth," he said.

Unruffled, and ahead in the polls, Obama parried each charge, and leveled a few of his own.
"One hundred percent, John, of your ads, 100 percent of them have been negative," Obama shot back in an uncommonly personal debate less than three weeks from Election Day.
"It's not true," McCain retorted.
"It is true," said Obama, seeking the last word.
McCain is currently running all negative ads, according to a study by the University of Wisconsin-Madison. But he has run a number of positive ads during the campaign.
The 90-minute encounter, at a round table at Hofstra University, was their third debate, and marked the beginning of a 20-day sprint to Election Day. Obama leads in the national polls and in surveys in many battleground states, an advantage built in the weeks since the nation stumbled into the greatest economic crisis since the Great Depression.
I think they'd be better off trying to top each other with "Yo Momma" jokes if they can't think of anything else better to do/say than attack each other personally instead of talking earnestly about how THEY will do a better job running the country than their opponent.
..yeah..."Snaps" would have least been more entertaining. :)

Both liars. Neither will do anything to improve our situation. Unfortunately, the lemmings don't care and will vote for one or the other in a few weeks.

....heavy sigh.

I think JFK was the last President to actually fulfill a promise.
Fool, defined: One who watched the Debatfomercial and expects to find facts, or real debate. I listened to the Barr rebuttal, which despite some technical feed issues, showed the big2 to be quite empty of real substance.
..yeah..."Snaps" would have least been more entertaining. :)

Both liars. Neither will do anything to improve our situation. Unfortunately, the lemmings don't care and will vote for one or the other in a few weeks.

....heavy sigh.

I think JFK was the last President to actually fulfill a promise.

JFK promised to bungle the bay of pigs and nail maralyn monroe? cuz thats about all he accomplished as president.......
That's the problem with politics. People tend to lose their minds sometimes.

JFK had charisma, and he and his brother threatened certain special interests. So they had to die. Obama has a similar charisma, so there are fears for him should he win. McCain is of course a war hero (though I'm at a loss to say what great heroic deed he did other than survive a POW camp which hundreds of thousands of others have also done, but who aren't heroes) so can probably shoot laser beams from his eyes.

Back on the debate, I heard evasion, I heard "thats a good question but I'm going to talk about something else instead" and I heard infomercials. I heard nothing new, nothing to swing my support 1 way or the other. Both are empty suits.
JFK promised to make it to the moon within 10 years and we did.

Obama and McCain promised to fix our dependence on foreign oil in 10 years.....

..let's reveist this thread in 2018 and see how that turns out.
JFK promised to make it to the moon within 10 years and we did.

Obama and McCain promised to fix our dependence on foreign oil in 10 years.....

..let's revisit this thread in 2018 and see how that turns out.
If my calculations are correct... the world will have ended six years earlier as there are prophecies attesting that 2012 is the year the world will end... several civilizations have come to that conclusion. So those guys won't even be around to keep those promises, neither will we.
Maybe that's how they'll have the budget balanced by then. World blows up, instant balance. Hmmm.....
I think I'll hold off on paying on that student loan. :D

Early reports are showing over 75% think Obama came out ahead this round.
The general tone on the net suggests that McCain did better on this debate than the two previous...yet fell short of the mark and lost. Polls show Obama/Biden now four for four.

In a CBS poll of uncommitted voters 53% surveyed identified Democratic nominee Barack Obama as the winner of the third debate. 22% said Republican rival John McCain won. 25% saw the debate as a draw.

Before the debate, 61% of uncommitted voters said that they trust Obama to make the right decisions about health care; after, 68% said so. 27% trusted McCain on health care before the debate; 30% said so afterwards.

64% think Obama will raise their taxes, while 50% think McCain will.

Before the debate, 54% thought Obama shared their values. That percentage rose to 64% after the debate. For McCain, 52% thought he shared their values before the debate, and 55% thought so afterwards.

Before the debate, 50% said they trusted Obama to handle a crisis; that rose to 63% afterwards. More trusted McCain on this with 78% percent favoring him before the debate, 82% after the debate.

More trusted Obama than McCain to make the right decisions about the economy. Before the debate, 54% of uncommitted voters said that they trust Obama to make the right decisions about the economy. After the debate 65% said so. Before, 38% trusted McCain to do so, and 48% did after the debate.

Before the debate, 66% thought Obama understands votersĀ’ needs and problems. This number rose to 76% after the debate. For McCain, 36% felt he understood votersĀ’ needs before the debate, and 48% thought so afterwards.

A total of 14% of these unaligned voters said the debate had made up their mind to vote for Mr McCain, while 28% said they would now be voting for Obama. 58% still were as yet undecided.


The instant poll from CNN/Opinion Research Corp. among debate watchers found that 58% thought Obama did the best job in the debate, compared to 31% for McCain.

In the same poll, 80% said they thought McCain was the candidate who spent most of his time attacking, while only 7% picked Obama. (Note: This is one area where there is bi-partisan agreement that this tactic hurts McCain)

Senator Obama's favorability ratings increased to 66% from 63% while Senator McCain's fell 33% from 35%. 66% said Senator Obama outlined ideas more clearly. 25% said the same for Senator McCain. On likeability, Senator Obama won easily at 70% to 22%.

Independent voters went 57% to 31% to Senator Obama in the CNN poll.

Pollster Frank Luntz gathered 23 uncommitted voters in Arlington, Virginia, for Fox News. A clear majority said Mr Obama had performed best, when asked who thought Mr McCain had won the tie, none raised their hand.

Luntz commented, "None had made a decision to support Senator Obama before the debate, but more than half supported him after the debate. It was a good night for Barack Obama."


Media Curves poll had independents giving the win to Obama by 60% to 30%. Republicans polled had McCain winning 70% to 18%. Democrats had Obama winning by 81% to 10%.


And I pulled this off a site...

"Shortly after the debate, the Irish bookmaker Paddy Power said it would pay out to customers who had predicted Mr Obama would win the election. A spokesman for the bookmaker, which has taken more than 10,000 bets on the election, said: "We declare this race well and truly over and congratulate all those who backed Obama, your winnings await you."

Wish I'd known. I'd have placed some money down.

Debate Transcript:



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