Barr: A conversation with the AJC

Clark Kent

<B>News Bot</B>
10-25-2008 11:06 AM
Bob sat down with Jim Galloway from the Atlanta Journal-Constitution to discuss final days of the campaign and life after November 4th:

Bob Barr, reaching the end of an improbable campaign, is already slipping into post-election mode — a period in which the Libertarian presidential candidate will try to build his party into something more than a quadrennial spoiler.

The former Georgia congressman was at his national office in Smyrna on Friday, a dimly lit collection of cubicles only a few turns off I-285. For a man barely registering in the polls, with only 10 days of campaigning left, he was remarkably upbeat.
His purpose now is to make the difference between Obama and McCain in as many states as possible in the final days, Barr said. Power, and respect, comes with the ability to change the outcome of a given situation.

“We’ve deliberately left the last several days very flexible, depending on what the poll numbers and the spread between Obama and McCain show in several state,” Barr said. Which Ohio, North Carolina — and at least two days here. He’s got a 2 p.m. Monday appearance at the University of Georgia in Athens.

“From what I’m hearing, and looking at the numbers, the dramatic increase in registration, the dramatic numbers of early voters, there is an awful lot of support building for Obama. And I think Republicans have a lot to be worried about in Georgia,” he said.

By proving himself the arbiter in a handful of states, Barr said he would be able to stake a claim in the political debate that follows Nov. 4. Especially now that federal intervention in the economy is likely to be a continuing topic.

The problem with third party movements, whether philosophy-based Libertarians or the personality-driven followers of Ross Perot, is that they deflate after Election Day. The organization and the money fades into the woodwork. “That kills political movements,” Barr said. “We don’t intend to make that mistake.”

Barr said he and Allen Buckley, the Libertarian candidate for Senate, have not coordinated their campaigns here. (Buckley, by the way, says the same thing.)

But Barr also said that the federal bailout of Wall Street means ties their two campaigns together.

“I’d like to think it’s all about me, and that I’m John McCain’s biggest nightmare, but the problem the Republicans have nationally and here in Georgia, goes far deeper than simply Bob Barr,” he said. “It goes to the fact that not only do the Republicans have nothing approaching a vision or a platform for the American people, but they’re embracing big government with such enthusiasm — it’s just really turning people off.”

Since the article mentions Allen Buckley, I wanted to take this opportunity to plug his campaign and mention that he has a debate tonight on Fox 5 Atlanta with his opponents, an incumbent Republican who is holding on for his political life because he voted for the bailout and a Democrat who believes the bailout wasn&#8217;t big enough.

If you live in Georgia, tune in tonight and consider Bob Barr, Allen Buckley and John Monds and Brandon Givens, the two Public Service Commission candidates, on your ballot on November 4th.



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