Lance Corporal David Motari

This is making rounds around the net and was wondering what you all think about this? I know the marines are under a lot of stress but this dude seems to enjoy what he is doing

*not Not for kids
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I would hope that military training would cover "its good to kill enemy combatants" and ".. its not good to kill a child, mother, or puppy".

If proven to be a "real" puppy there is no excuse at all for what he did and he should receive the full punishment allowed by the military.

I guess Mom and Dad must be thrilled with him... having to disconnect their phone, getting death threats and having the local police dept cruise the neighborhood.

Not sure what was up with video taping the incident....
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Threads merged. Post number 41 of this thread the opening (and only) post from thread titled:
"Lance Corporal David Matori."
Assuming for the purposes of debate that the video is genuine, it is likely the military will rapidly administratively discharge him as unfit for service.... a process variously referred to through the years as "chaptering out" or "Section 8'ing".

The military has considerable experience and interest in this, and there is no need to keep the cards and letters rolling in.

This hardly reflects on the entire Marine Corps..... well, unless you already hate the Corps and are looking for a cause celebre to justify and trumpet your biases. The military, after all, draws recruits from society..... and there are all too numerous instances of this type of thing reported every day in civilian America..... lately to child victims more than animals.

If Mr Motari is guilty, yet wants to continue puppy killing without all the criticism, he should leave the Marine Corps and instead join al Qaeda, Hamas or Hezbollah....... they have an amazing and consistent record of cold blooded murder and mayhem - as organizations - and yet one sees no petitions about them. C'mon folks, that market bombing exploiting the two mentally challenged women had to have killed some animals (as well as people)........

Where's the outrage?
It's there, but you won't see it as much because you'll never see our media demoralizing the *enemy* for a change.

FWIW I was outraged too, but by the time I saw the thread about it it had run its course, I just happened to catch this one while still new/active was all.
...he should leave the Marine Corps and instead join al Qaeda, Hamas or Hezbollah....... they have an amazing and consistent record of cold blooded murder and mayhem - as organizations - and yet one sees no petitions about them.

Because we all know that Osama binLaden would stop his jihad in a moment if enough netizens signed an email petition. ;)

We expect more out of the United States military, and consider them amenable to change and good behavior. Few expect the same out of Hamas or alQaeda, which is why you don't see petitions about them. What would be the point?
Maybe I shouldn't be "leaking" this info, but I have it from "reliable sources" "over there" that wild dogs are a menace in greater Iraq. During the Fallujah campaign wild dogs roamed the streets eating corpses. Some are outright aggressive and its common to just shoot them out of hand. Around some US bases soldiers are [or at least were] tasked as "hunter teams" to go around the perimeter and shoot wild dogs out of hand. During GW I it wasn't unusual for troops to take a pot shot at a camel here or there with an AT4 or a Bradley Bushmaster. Dont get caught by the Platoon Leader, but it happened.

This uproar is a tempest in a teapot. This was a puppy and was unnecessary but it may have been a thought process of "either now or later". In the end the knuckleheads were stupid for filming and posting this as if proud of it, and the callousness of it is offensive, but thats about it.
Interesting link. Angel.

I learned something I didn't previously know, which is good. Also, I had an entire culture go down a notch in my estimation, which is not so good :(.

There's a reason why dogs are called 'man's best friend', by us (the British) at least and a nation which does not think like that ... obviously has a different history where the bond between man and dog was not so beneficial to both.

I can't help my bone deep prejudices and thus am unrepentant in my ire at the act that spawned all these words.
I hear you. I love my dog and Im not happy with this video thing. But I think there is a loss of perspective going on with the hype over it and the punishment expected.
I do understand your point of view on this, truly and think you have a valid point.

The human psyche can be a strange thing with what we 'cherry pick' as morally offensive being quite disproportionate at times.

I think it is perhaps tied up with what we see rather than what we read and how the 'story' is presented (whether it be news or fiction (is there a difference these days?)).
Looks like both received NJP and Motari will probably receive an Other Than Honorable discharge. Good riddance to him.