Orange Belt
My Sabumnim has recently allowed us to wear red doboks once we reach a certain belt level. Here is my question/issue.
I bought a decent 14oz dobok in red. I loved it. It snapped well and felt great. I go to wash it it because, well...I sweated the thing out! Here comes the issue. I had to leave and go run a quick errand. My girlfriend threw the thing in the dryer while I was gone.
When I got home and pulled it out the dobok had whitish lines all over it, sort of like someone beat it with stick and it was wearing out! I have seen many of black dobok do this and people consider the grayness they get to be "nice." However...it a red dobok, is this...marbling - I guess you would call it that - acceptable? Anyone had this expereience? I loved this thing and now I am so upset about it being...different. Thoughts?
I bought a decent 14oz dobok in red. I loved it. It snapped well and felt great. I go to wash it it because, well...I sweated the thing out! Here comes the issue. I had to leave and go run a quick errand. My girlfriend threw the thing in the dryer while I was gone.

When I got home and pulled it out the dobok had whitish lines all over it, sort of like someone beat it with stick and it was wearing out! I have seen many of black dobok do this and people consider the grayness they get to be "nice." However...it a red dobok, is this...marbling - I guess you would call it that - acceptable? Anyone had this expereience? I loved this thing and now I am so upset about it being...different. Thoughts?