Quick Question on Dobok


Orange Belt
My Sabumnim has recently allowed us to wear red doboks once we reach a certain belt level. Here is my question/issue.

I bought a decent 14oz dobok in red. I loved it. It snapped well and felt great. I go to wash it it because, well...I sweated the thing out! Here comes the issue. I had to leave and go run a quick errand. My girlfriend threw the thing in the dryer while I was gone.:(
When I got home and pulled it out the dobok had whitish lines all over it, sort of like someone beat it with stick and it was wearing out! I have seen many of black dobok do this and people consider the grayness they get to be "nice." However...it a red dobok, is this...marbling - I guess you would call it that - acceptable? Anyone had this expereience? I loved this thing and now I am so upset about it being...different. Thoughts?
No matter the color, never put your uniforms in the dryer. I do a quick cold water wash as soon as I get home (sweat also stains if left unwashed). After the wash hang dry.
Does anyone else that wears that same uniform have the same worn look you described? If so then its fine if not, despite what we say you will stick out.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Some would say a red uniform is heresy already. :)

I am sure it is fine. I've seen this effect with blue uniforms too. The 'problem' stems from the heavier fabric being unable to hold the dye used fully. You won't see this non-uniform fading from the lighter 8 oz uniforms because their fibers hold the color better.
Of all colors, red fades fastest. I agree with viewing it as unique rather than a negative. If you want it to look like others, might as well stick with white.
Im the only one with the heavier weight uniform. Most folks buy from the sabumnim or have stayed white in color. I bought mine from another martial arts store because the uniforms my sabumnim sell are short in the arms for me. I wear a size 4, but his size four is super short in in red, but not white. His size 5 in red is SUPER huge on me....Hence the heavier weight uniform, (fits perfect) We also wear for the most part the pull over uniforms, however mine is more the "gi" style in that is is jacket. I am really dissapointed about his. I will take it in stride and hope it all works out. I like the red because we do SO much ground work my white one is marked up terrible. Also, the 8oz we have tear easily. My sabumnim does his school to help folks, breaking even. I have helped him with automation of his payment system and such and he is barely getting enough to keep the lights on.
I have always wera white dobok or gi, my first non white uniform was a black karate gi for Kenpo, afther varius washes the black jacket it's now black/grey.

If you don't wana fade gi's buy white gi.

Well I think with our ground work and such red is a good choice for me at least....plus red just looks cool;)
On a serious note. I guess I will just wear it to class and see what happens, it looks worn in so perhaps thats a good thing.
red is a special color. on small item in the wash can turn a whole big load of whited pink.

First wash of red items should include generous amounts of salt and vinegar, helps to minimize bleeding (and fading).
the loss of color happens with the cotton material, like in jeans and such.

You can however buy dye to use in the washing amchine to freshen up the look.

As to putting uniforms in the dryer...
My lightweights went in, poly blend, no harm done. My heavyweight went in (for pre-shrinking purposes) and it was crumply like no tomorrow.
Another little laundry hint: If you iron your clothes (Gis, especially heavy cotton ones) have the fabric moist when you start. otherwise you will never get it all nice and flat,the wrinkles never come out. and I mean having the fabric moist. Spray, roll up and let it sit for a bit before putting the iron to it.
Another little laundry hint: If you iron your clothes (Gis, especially heavy cotton ones) have the fabric moist when you start. otherwise you will never get it all nice and flat,the wrinkles never come out. and I mean having the fabric moist. Spray, roll up and let it sit for a bit before putting the iron to it.

I remember those days, Gran, when I cared. :) Now I just hang my uniforms up to dry and if Sensei is a little bit wrinkled, oh well.
Not for nothin,' but I would never wear a red uniform. White or black, that's it. Hell, I don't even like patches.
Wear it, sweat in it and beat the crap out of it. That is what they are nade of.