Lack of drive and accountability?


Sr. Grandmaster
Oh good grief.
it's only been 5 weeks of marching band season and I am already ripping my hair out (first game isn't til Friday, too)

There are so many turns that stop dead at 'the football coach does not want it'
paired with a lot of kids and parents who do not care to pull their weight in keeping the band financially afloat.
I mean, we are talking about parents telling the band director that they will not pay the fee for the band camp. They know there will be no repercussion for doing so. Next in line are their kids refusing to participate in the fund raisers, knowing good and well that they, too will be safe.

Now how do you cure the Barney Generation from their 'Spechul Syndrome'?

How do you finance a program that has been winning awards left and right but can't get anywhere because the money is tight? (Lets not get started on the fundraiser issues....monies from the home side concessions go to the cheer squat and team, cheer leading owns the 'spirit' aspect of the school mascot, so you have to add 'band' to everything....and the Visitor concessions stand is a long way away....sloppy seconds comes to mind, I am trying hard not to utter this on school grounds.....

I've been high wired since Saturday, and not just a little of that stems from frustration. Maybe the booster president had to learn the hard way but he is certainly treading mighty cautious around money making ideas.

I keep thinking the deadbeats ought to be shamed into pulling their weight, but I suppose if they are already telling you to the face they are deadbeats they have no shame....

ah, crap...

I might yet break my solemn promise to myself to never blog....well, I'd be ghost writing for my cat....but I am bad in covering my tracks....

No easy way out, no shortcut home....
How do you finance a program that has been winning awards left and right but can't get anywhere because the money is tight?

You make sure you do everything you can for it, but remember that if you have, you can't take responsibility for it not failing. Lots of programs get overlooked due to budgetary politics; if you've done your part and whatever else you can do, don't go tearing your hair out if it still doesn't work.

Besides, you play WoW. Go do some player v. player for a bit. Nothing like camping a graveyard with a healer backing you to take out frustration. :rofl:
You make sure you do everything you can for it, but remember that if you have, you can't take responsibility for it not failing. Lots of programs get overlooked due to budgetary politics; if you've done your part and whatever else you can do, don't go tearing your hair out if it still doesn't work.

Besides, you play WoW. Go do some player v. player for a bit. Nothing like camping a graveyard with a healer backing you to take out frustration. :rofl:

Bwahahahahha, I like the way you think!

Granfire - are you one of the directors/teachers??

Okay - at my daughter's high school, all music students are required to participate in the fall show, so marching band isn't a separate class per se. The music for the show is played in each class for music block and then they either do sectionals or marching rehearsals several times per week after school.

If marching band itself is a class separate from the other music classes, it's simple - if they don't pay, they can't participate and participation is part of their grade, so .... grade them down and then the parents will complain - OR - have them participate and fine the non-payers at the end of term.

Where we ran into problems was this: we're a 501c. We *used* to give a dollar figure on hours worked for certain fundraising jobs. Students and their families could work fundraisers and earn dollars towards their child's fair share. We didn't know that you can't do that with a 501c, so we now operate on points.

You need an aggressive fundraising committee and chair, a parent liaison and a band council. Council should be student-run and position performance part of their grade. Section leaders could be candidates for positions here. This way, peers can coordinate and encourage fundraising participation.

We go through this problem as well - parents who think all will be done and they won't have to lift a finger - rude!
I wish I was the director ^_^

Alas I am a parent, new at this as it is...

I think I hang around and bite my nails for the time being, see how things pan out.

Generally I am a laid back person. But when i commit myself to something it drives me crazy when my energy is diverted to BS.
I also can't handle disorganization.
I know I am weird that way.


I was actually interested to hear what people had to say about changing the general outlook in this blight, away from specific band programs.
I mean we have allowed it to happen, how can we turn the tide so to speak?
I wish I was the director ^_^

Alas I am a parent, new at this as it is...

I was actually interested to hear what people had to say about changing the general outlook in this blight, away from specific band programs.
I mean we have allowed it to happen, how can we turn the tide so to speak?

Hang in there, someone usually steps up. My dad ended up being the cheif roadie for 10 years. 4 for me and 4 for my sister and he hung around another 2 and loved it.
As for your sanity (I'm the same) as the saying goes Sparring is better than therapy :)
Back in high school, in the 60's, my girl's family was in marching band. Dad was the coach/teacher, mom was a trainer, her, her brothers and sisters, were all veterans. It was so much fun to be around, I had a lot of fun.
Reading your post echoed almost the exact same concerns I heard those many years ago. Made me wax nostalgic, and I find it interesting that the problems seem to be constant.
Hang in there, if it wasn't for your concern can you imagine how it would be? Oy!

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