Kyusho, Dim Mak, Meridians and Points

If George said kill he above all else wants people to believe he can kill people with Chi. As if a hospital would allow such a thing and what sort of moron would allow themselves to be involved? The only person George is going to harm messing with Chi the way he does is himself. That video I posted earlier in this post says it all about the sort of chi George and the likes practice.


Cheers Sam,
I'm moving on... Thanks for the chat and I'll keep on reading. Im back at work now that my vacation is over.

Take care and I'll be posting later somewhere on MT. %-}

Cheers Sam,
I'm moving on... Thanks for the chat and I'll keep on reading. Im back at work now that my vacation is over.

Take care and I'll be posting later somewhere on MT. %-}


No worries. It was fun. You did bring up the killing with chi thing though so obviously your moving on is only a recent thing as you finished your last post with how you love to add fuel to the fire. It isn't fuel really as I don't see it as any different to anything George has done in the past 25 years. It's all about marketing. If he could kill me with chi and I could be bought back I would streak across the MCG(Australia's largest sporting ground that holds 110,000 people) on grand final day. It is just untrue. If people say things as you did here and I believe it to be nonsense I will say just that.

Have fun.
Okay a couple of things I read during the tread.

1. Evan and KI don't focus on Kata interpretation or TCM. Althought they work it personally, this is not a requirement of KI training.
2. Dillman wasnt allowed to kill and bring back...he claims someone died and he brought them back.

I dont think anyone actually answered the question about Kyusho's origin.___ Many believe that dim mak was created centuries ago by the same man who is believed to have developed the original tai chi form. Some have postulated that this form contained the founder's methods of attacking the most dangerous dim mak points. According to legend, this knowledge spread rapidly and influenced the development of many Chinese martial arts. These martial arts then influenced the ancient Okinawan martial art called karate. It is believed by many that the traditional katas of the Okinawan martial arts also contain the secrets of striking the dim mak points. This is interesting because Okinawan karate has had a major impact on the martial arts of Korea and Japan. Thus, it is conceivable that the traditional katas of these other martial arts could also contain the secrets of dim mak.

3. I would say who cares where dillman got his training...does it work? (personally don't care)
The story I was told was by a former student of the oyata camp who now is my student is that when oyata first started out he wanted a well known American martial artist to help him get known over here...he chose Dillman however the union didnt last long, Dillman took Oyata's methods and ran with them seeking $$$$$. True or not I wasnt there. but makes sense to dillman has gone over the edge with chi balls....and no touch knock outs...just cant take him seriously. Pressure points are in kata its apparent by the angle and direction of the strikes witin the kata's if we see them as strikes and not blocks as they wanted us to believe.The face of the martial arts took on a new look at the turn of the 20th century a new watered down look. China had a strong trade with Okinawa...they traded much more then goods...the theory of the 5 elements are apparent in kata as well.


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