KT:When do you become a Master?

Clark Kent

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When do you become a Master?
By nelson - Wed, 25 Oct 2006 04:53:54 GMT
Originally Posted at: KenpoTalk


Dear Kenpo brothers and sisters:

Do you become a master when you each 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or 5th dan?
Or does the term only apply to the so called "honorary dans" of 5th through 10th Dan?

Does one know in his heart that one has become a master or must one be blessed by the kenpo elite and voted into the club?

How many self proclaimed masters are there in the arts today?

How many kenpo "masters" are deserving of their titles and have reached their standing through politics alone?


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Not a Kenpo-ist, but just to put in my 2 cents:

I think people make too much of the title "master."

To me, it is just like any other trade title -- apprentice, journeyman, master --- just like a master plumber.

Or, another way to look at it, it could be considered more akin to the title teachers are known by in British school systems: master, with the principal being the "headmaster."

It is just a title bestowed at different ranks by different organizations and arts to signify having learned the curriculum to a certain point.

Those in a CMA may feel differently — maybe a master in a CMA is more on par with grandmaster level in Korean arts, for example.

Mastery of an art doesn't mean someone is perfect, either. Just that they have reached a certain level of proficiency. Like a master painter.

Mastery is something we can all reach, eventually, as we strive for that which is unattainable: perfection.

Just my opinions, YMMV :)
Into kempo you are a master at 5th degree. All the Master's in Kempo that I've met are very good and I believe deserving of the title of Master. I know there are some self promoting Masters that soil the reputation like Larry Tatum but most are real.
Into kempo you are a master at 5th degree. All the Master's in Kempo that I've met are very good and I believe deserving of the title of Master. I know there are some self promoting Masters that soil the reputation like Larry Tatum but most are real.
Didnt mattera self promote himself ?
I took some of my students to a seminar. there was a 6th degree black belt there and he was being call Shihan then his name.
the stuff he was showing was ok and what not. then he said he would take any student and make then tap from a standing or ground teq.
I had one of my Purple belts go out and take the challange.
I told all my studnets it will be over in like 15 seconds. and my guy would tap. Come on this person is a 6th degree black belt above the master level.
well it went 30 seconds and my student made the 6th degree tap.
then he went threw all of his students he ( the 6th degree had with him tap) a 2nd, 3rd and 4th degree black belts.
Now my guy at the time was a purple belt about 1 1/2 years in training with me. So I agree with the post you can call your self a Master any time Just need to be ready to show that level of skill and knowledge

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