KT:Master's Studios of Self-Defense in SC?

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Master's Studios of Self-Defense in SC?
By brazilusa - Fri, 20 Oct 2006 06:12:23 GMT
Originally Posted at: KenpoTalk


I am currently studying Shaolin Kempo under an instructor from the Masters Studios of Self Defense in South Carolina.

Anyone know anything about this system? Villari? Cerio?

I am not familiar with it. I am more familiar with American Kenpo and Tracy Kenpo.

Help :)


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Whats your Instructors name? also ask him where the history of the systems comes from... and post it. from that I maybe able to help you find more ans...
from what i understand this is a Villari shaolin kempo karate style perhaps from Cal carozzi who was high level (8th?) with Villari and split originally with MSDC then on his own.

There are some frequent posters here who are part of that organization... or used to be... soon I'm sure they will reply :)

But you are correct it is a Villari branch, AFAIK.

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