Krav Maga training effectiveness

You do know that's all a simmunition barrel is correct? Same magazine, gunpowder propelled projectiles. It's just the Sim round is about the size of a .32 and is plastic and filled with paint so you need to swap the barrel out.
How would he know that? Most of us have never even seen a gun, let alone fired one, or indeed have any idea what what you are talking about. You may as well of written this in Arabic for all the good it does me.

I thought simmunation barrel was a typo, not an actual word, so I wouldn't even a have bothered to google it.

You do know we don't all live in the US, and most of us have never even see a gun, correct?
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How would he know that? Most of us have never even seen a gun, let alone fired one, or indeed have any idea what what you are talking about. You may as well of written this in Arabic for all the good it does me.

I thought simmunation barrel was a typo, not an actual word, so I wouldn't even a have bothered to google it.

You do know we don't all live in the US, and most of us have never even see a gun, correct?

Well first they are a standard Security Forces training tool

Second he certainly acted like a no it all but I gave a brief explanation any who.

Third after I explained it briefly he still acted like a no it all.

So did I get a little condescending? Yeah, but know it all who actually.know very little bring that out in me.
Well first they are a standard Security Forces training tool

Second he certainly acted like a no it all but I gave a brief explanation any who.

Third after I explained it briefly he still acted like a no it all.

So did I get a little condescending? Yeah, but know it all who actually.know very little bring that out in me.
im stil waiting for you to explain how its possible to block a punch, but not possible to pull a trigger, in a 10th of a,second
im stil waiting for you to explain how its possible to block a punch, but not possible to pull a trigger, in a 10th of a,second

You to a certain degree cheat. You start closer and act first. So you get a bit of ambush time.

Same as how a sucker punch works.

It is pretty well accepted you need some favorable conditions before you even get to a high risk defense.
You to a certain degree cheat. You start closer and act first. So you get a bit of ambush time.

Same as how a sucker punch works.

It is pretty well accepted you need some favorable conditions before you even get to a high risk defense.
but he gave hard maths, that pulling a trigger in 10th of a,second was impossible, yet its more than possible to block a punch when you have a 10th of a second to see it and move. To his point of view it isn't a high risk move, but a near certainty's, he has math to prove it
but he gave hard maths, that pulling a trigger in 10th of a,second was impossible, yet its more than possible to block a punch when you have a 10th of a second to see it and move. To his point of view it isn't a high risk move, but a near certainty's, he has math to prove it

Yeah and I mentioned why I don't like the maths. And he hit a different method of explaining his process.
You to a certain degree cheat. You start closer and act first. So you get a bit of ambush time.

Same as how a sucker punch works.

It is pretty well accepted you need some favorable conditions before you even get to a high risk defense.

Exactly but first let me say it would NEVER be my first choice. Off the job I would always just hand over my wallet.

The thing is "on the job" in uniform and full kit, if I have a gun that close to my head they likely mean to kill me. In that case part of the thing is actually not only about the action itself being an "ambush" it's about psychology. If I lower my hand to my gun they are pulling the trigger faster than I can break leather.

However they expect me to be afraid (which I would be btw, anyone who says different is lying or psychotic) so raising my hands in surrender to frame my face is expected. The fact that my hands are now in line with the gun is likely not a thought in my head. Next you don't want to get the "Johnny bad ***" look on your face, you want the nervousness/fear to show on your face and in your voice when you say "don't do it." All of this adds to the "ambush effect" because they see the expected reaction and thus feel in control.

Now like I said, right now, against a prepared opponent, using a real gun just shooting dummy rounds, I have a 75% success rate. That is NOT by any shape of the imagination good enough odds to protect my wallet in a street robbery but it is good enough odds if the other option is 100% death.

PS regarding the psychological effect I will talk with the instructor who trained me in the technique. He is also a Forensic Behavioral Analyst and the psychological stuff came from studies of such scenarios. I will see if he can provide me with on-line sources for those studies and, if he can (vs expensive text books), I will post the links for those interested in that kind of thing. To me half of self defense is psychological so I am very interested in such things.