Kovar's Karate Studios

The Kai said:
Actually not at all, kind of vauge.
Well, I wish I could help out but maybe it'd be best if you did some digging of your own. I'm sure the Kovar's or one of the instructors would be glad to answer your questions over the phone or in person.
teamcalisc said:
I don't know that stuff because I'm only 14 for christ's sake. I started when I was only 8. Do you think an 8 year old cares about that stuff. In my opinion, I don't care. I know I'm being taught by some of the best b/c I've know most of my instructors for years. I'm very close to them all. And it's not like we're tested on who Dave Kovar is trained by. I know they've mentioned it a few times but it's not something they mention every week. Yes, the domino effect is where it goes one person after the next (The Kai). TheEdge883, a good portion of the demo team members are around that age, a few are older than 16 and some are younger. In my training class, most of us are ALMOST 15 or 16. I think there's maybe one person that's 16. Maybe 2. But most of us are younger than 16. The avereage ratio is about 9-15. I think the youngest in my demo training class is either 8 or 9. John, you and the others reading this are probably older than I am. So many my age don't know and don't really care who Dave Kovar's trainer is. We're more interested in having fun and learning new things at karate. The reason why I don't know the origin is because we do a lot of different things there at Kovar's. And I'm not an instructor or anything so I have no real need to know. I'm not a martial arts master or anything like that. Just because you have a passion for something, doesn't mean you know or need to know everything about it. I hope that answered your question.
I think that the fact that you've perserved in your art for six years, earned a Black Belt, and have qualified for a special Demo Team all by the age of 14 speaks volumes for your character and perserverance. IMHO, you should be congratulated by the other members not called onto the carpet for not having a perfect memory of your instructor's lineage. The questions asked of you are valid, just that IMHO, some of the forum members have been a little too harsh in their judgements and comments toward you.

For the others, I studied for a short, emphasis on short, time in the mid-1980s's at Dave Kovar's orginal Rancho Cordova studio. At the time he was teaching an unafilliated Tracy style Kenpo but was also studying from GM Jhoon Rhee of TKD fame and was incorporating the kicks, physical excercises and life lessons on character and integrity offered by Master Rhee's programs.

My experience at his studio,a albeit short (Green Belt), was positive and since I was then coming out of a factory sport TKD center, the greatest value of his instruction for me was in learning how much I DIDN'T KNOW.

Now, about 20 years later and much more experienced, I would rate his training about midway between a strip mall sport's school and an old style traditional EPK program. BTW, Bob Liles in Sacramento, according to a friend who studied from him, is friends with Mister Kovar and Mr. Kovar has even taught some workshops at Mr. Liles school. Since, any knowledgable EPAK Kenpo stylist knows that Mr. Liles credentials are impeccable, I think this is an important point in establishing Mr. Kovar's Bona Fides.

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