Going into a studio to check it out is certainly a reasonable way to get a feel for a place, but you may not get all the information you need to make an informed decision about a school or an instructor's credentials that way alone. Since there is no governing body regulating who can, and who cannot, open a Martial Arts studio, I see nothing wrong in seeking a little information before stepping foot in a school. In addition, sometimes contracts must be signed from the start, and asking around on the internet is one way to get additional information about a school, or an instructor, before a long term commitment is made and regretfully can not be broken. There are many people who post on Martial Talk who have opinions that I've come to trust. Should one of them have positive or negative things to share on a school I was interested in it would help me to make my decision. The other thing is, Shodan is a woman and as a member of that species

I believe that women need to be more cautious about where they train in this male dominated martial arts world, so as not to be learning from an instructor who behaves inappropriately towards women. So while I agree that a visit to the school would be helpful, Shodan has every right to seek opinions here. At the very least it would not hurt her in her quest. :asian: