Kovar's Karate Studios

5 tips per belt
Chevron before you test
Black Belt testing every 3 months
Simplified curriculam
Xma demo team (domino effect is that like one moves right after the other starts?)
Cycle thru material every month
sounds like.......
The site says you have a demo team that is comprised of brown and black belts. Do you have any black belts there who are under the age of 16?
I don't doubt the quality of your instructor, I am highly suspect what is being taught. But then again, that's my opinion, and you know what everyone says about that :)
One question that comes to mind is how you can train in a system for 6 years, become a black belt, and not know the origin of your system, and who your instructor learned from?
John Bishop said:
One question that comes to mind is how you can train in a system for 6 years, become a black belt, and not know the origin of your system, and who your instructor learned from?
This is one I gotta agree on. Mark it on the calander John.

Shodan said:
While driving home today, I noticed that there is a new studio going in right down the street from my house. It is Kovar's Karate. Does anyone know anything about this chain?

:asian: :karate:

Sorry to sound rude but why do people post stuff like this? You drove by the damn placeÂ….why didnÂ’t you go in and check it out instead of asking a bunch of folks on the internet?
RRouuselot said:
Sorry to sound rude but why do people post stuff like this? You drove by the damn placeÂ….why didnÂ’t you go in and check it out instead of asking a bunch of folks on the internet?
Well Robert there you go again trying to make some sort of sense regarding the activity of inquiring minds? Next thing I will read is, The Kai and I agree...:)

Kelly you silver tounged devil:-partyon: and you told me it would never happen LOL...

Maybe you just have not been reading enough of the good stuff posted lately LOL...

Seriously though, for some reason you have seemed much more pliable as you are getting closer to middle age. No I don't want to fight you:uhyeah: ...

Regards, Gary

Is there something wrong with asking the opinions of others here? I thought that's what this forum was all about? I like to know about a restaurant I haven't been to before I eat there too......if it's awful, why even bother going?

Anyway, I found a place to go where I can work out with people from the same system I have been in all along so Kovar's wasn't needed anymore- I was just going to check that out as an alternative if I could not find my own system down here.

I do appreciate everyone's input though. Thank you!

:asian: :karate:
Shodan said:

Is there something wrong with asking the opinions of others here? I thought that's what this forum was all about? I like to know about a restaurant I haven't been to before I eat there too......if it's awful, why even bother going?

Anyway, I found a place to go where I can work out with people from the same system I have been in all along so Kovar's wasn't needed anymore- I was just going to check that out as an alternative if I could not find my own system down here.

I do appreciate everyone's input though. Thank you!

:asian: :karate:

While driving home today, I noticed that there is a new studio going in right down the street from my house.

I will give you an example of what I am talking about:

Hey there is a dog in my front yard! Anybody here on MT know anything about it?

Get my point?
I don't know that stuff because I'm only 14 for christ's sake. I started when I was only 8. Do you think an 8 year old cares about that stuff. In my opinion, I don't care. I know I'm being taught by some of the best b/c I've know most of my instructors for years. I'm very close to them all. And it's not like we're tested on who Dave Kovar is trained by. I know they've mentioned it a few times but it's not something they mention every week. Yes, the domino effect is where it goes one person after the next (The Kai). TheEdge883, a good portion of the demo team members are around that age, a few are older than 16 and some are younger. In my training class, most of us are ALMOST 15 or 16. I think there's maybe one person that's 16. Maybe 2. But most of us are younger than 16. The avereage ratio is about 9-15. I think the youngest in my demo training class is either 8 or 9. John, you and the others reading this are probably older than I am. So many my age don't know and don't really care who Dave Kovar's trainer is. We're more interested in having fun and learning new things at karate. The reason why I don't know the origin is because we do a lot of different things there at Kovar's. And I'm not an instructor or anything so I have no real need to know. I'm not a martial arts master or anything like that. Just because you have a passion for something, doesn't mean you know or need to know everything about it. I hope that answered your question.
No RRouuselot, I don't get your point- sorry....maybe you can clarify it for me?

I was asking about a martial arts studio that someone on a martial arts website might know something about. I wouldn't ask someone on a martial arts site what they knew about some dog........not the same category of info......sorry, went right over my head?!! :idunno:
Shodan said:
No RRouuselot, I don't get your point- sorry....maybe you can clarify it for me?

I was asking about a martial arts studio that someone on a martial arts website might know something about. I wouldn't ask someone on a martial arts site what they knew about some dog........not the same category of info......sorry, went right over my head?!! :idunno:

Let me repeat my point then....

You drove by the damn placeÂ….why didnÂ’t you go in and check it out?

Sorry, can't make it any simpler than that...........
Let's tone it down. Not only are grown men swearing, but now we have a child getting wound up.
teamcalisc said:
I don't know that stuff because I'm only 14 for christ's sake. I started when I was only 8. Do you think an 8 year old cares about that stuff. In my opinion, I don't care. I know I'm being taught by some of the best b/c I've know most of my instructors for years. I'm very close to them all. And it's not like we're tested on who Dave Kovar is trained by. I know they've mentioned it a few times but it's not something they mention every week. Yes, the domino effect is where it goes one person after the next (The Kai). TheEdge883, a good portion of the demo team members are around that age, a few are older than 16 and some are younger. In my training class, most of us are ALMOST 15 or 16. I think there's maybe one person that's 16. Maybe 2. But most of us are younger than 16. The avereage ratio is about 9-15. I think the youngest in my demo training class is either 8 or 9. John, you and the others reading this are probably older than I am. So many my age don't know and don't really care who Dave Kovar's trainer is. We're more interested in having fun and learning new things at karate. The reason why I don't know the origin is because we do a lot of different things there at Kovar's. And I'm not an instructor or anything so I have no real need to know. I'm not a martial arts master or anything like that. Just because you have a passion for something, doesn't mean you know or need to know everything about it. I hope that answered your question.
14 year old black belt. ---sigh--- Good luck young man. Hopefully someday you will have a basis for comparison between your current art and others.
The Kai said:
What happens when the art is'nt fun?? When it becomes work? Or you get frustrated?
Nothing is always fun.....kids even get bored with Disney after a while......
This could be what is meant by the term "nintai"= Perseverance in Japanese
Danjo said:
14 year old black belt. ---sigh--- Good luck young man. Hopefully someday you will have a basis for comparison between your current art and others.
Young girl. If I cared to compare my martial arts, I would know the origin and the answers to the questions you're asking. But my major concern is when I'll make it on the demo team and what we'll lean next cycle.
Hopefully it will be a depth in the arts -that would be new, history, terminology. As a Black Belt there is a certain base you should have, one of them is knowing where your art lies with lineages and the scheme of things. Terminology, simply put you should know how to spell the name of a weapon before you even pick it up (after all it is not a toy). Contact drills, sparrinmaybe to illustrate the difference between GymKata and karate.
RRouuselot said:
Let me repeat my point then....

You drove by the damn placeÂ….why didnÂ’t you go in and check it out?

Sorry, can't make it any simpler than that...........
And since when is it wrong to ask around? Shodan is utilizing our network --okay, I'll call it what it is -- Shodan is networking, a concept most of us in business use all the time. Call it what you will, but it's a great resource. I learned a lot from the various posts, as did Shodan and I'm sure plenty of others.

Lighten up, willya?:)

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