Kosutemi Seieikan - Kata, Competition and Technique

It's not so much the chance that hinders...it's the $$$. We're a single income household with 3 kids. Going to Taiwan or Ireland is still dream-level stuff.
By the way, my infosource told me today that he was mistaken about the locale of the proposed upcoming tourney. It's supposed to be in Thailand, not Taiwan.
Sorry for passing bad info.
I moved on to the next two kata this last week, Pinan Shodan and Pinan Nidan. I am absolutely astounded by the siplicity of Nidan after Shodan.

Any input from you other Kosutemis as to why the complexity dropped so drastically between the two?
OnlyAnEgg said:
I am absolutely astounded by the siplicity of Nidan after Shodan.
That's why Funakoshi switched the two when teaching his Heian kata (Heian Shodan is a modification of Pinan Nidan, and Heian Nidan is modified Pinan Shodan).
Originally, Pinan nidan was taught first. As in Matsubayashi shorin ryu. I am not sure why the number is higher or why the kata names where switched. I do know that the old Okinawan version uses hammer fist blocks,instead of the chest block that are taught in our Seiei kan version. I have studied both. I have also studied the Shotokan version that also has the hammerfist block. The second block in the Seiei kan version(after the leg block) is more of a backfist strike.
A point of interest. In our version of Pinan Yondan. We perform an arm lock instead of the high knife hand block and chest level shuto strike. This shows the Jujitsu influece in our style.
Sometimes in kata,especially in the advanced kata, it is hard to figure out what the movements are. You have to study the bunkai(practical applications) to learn what the movements are.
Train hard and study seriously.
Not to step in on your thread, but typically it is the thought that as we advance we need to re-think the basics and everything will go full circle. Very muchthe same thinking of a BB's belt turning grey and then white as they reach advanced levels. Just what I have picked up.
Hello Searcher. I see from your profile that you are a chito ryu stylist. Did you train with Hanshi Domitriech? Or are you affiliated with the US Chitokai? Or the other organization that splintered off?
Just curious. I know that since Mr. Domitriech split from the Chitokai in Japan that there have been several splits within the Chito ryu style.
Did anyone attend the interschool tourney in Logan yesterday? Sensei, Another student and myself went. There was, easily, a couple hundred competitors. Some very fine artists and some downright funny moments (broken spear?).

In my bracket, Senior Novice, my fellow student recieved 1st if kumite and second in kata. I took 1st in kata and 2nd (to him) in kumite. Sensei Phillips won 1st in weapons.

It was a good day.
Sounds like a damn fine time was had yesterday, Egg! WhoooHoo! Way to go my friend!
I was planning on going to the interclub tournament. But, I had family matters that had to be addressed. Anyway, I am glad to hear that it was a good tournament. I will be at Nationals in August. I make it to that one every year. I am sorry I missed the interclub. Sounds like it was a good time. Anyone know who won 1st in Black belt kumite?
I used to go to every tournament that I could. Ko Sutemi or other organizations. That gets expensive after a while. The two tournaments that I really love to attend each year are AKJU Nationals and the Arnold Martial arts festival international tournament. Rick Moore used to put on a really good tournament. I havn't been in years. When we were involved with the AAU,then USAKF. It seemed that we had tournaments every other weekend. There was our tournaments and the USAKF tournaments,which went towards their national championships and USA team trials.
The August Nationals...is that one at Westland High School? That was the first large competition I attended.
twendkata71 said:
Hello Searcher. I see from your profile that you are a chito ryu stylist. Did you train with Hanshi Domitriech? Or are you affiliated with the US Chitokai? Or the other organization that splintered off?
Just curious. I know that since Mr. Domitriech split from the Chitokai in Japan that there have been several splits within the Chito ryu style.

I am actually form a different group that splintered off in the 70's, but we have recently started going back to our roots and have left our splinter/parent association. we are working on getting ourselves back to where we need to be. It will be a long journey, but one worth taking.
I know that Yoshukai and Tsuroka karate where both originally from Chito ryu. Both of the Founders of those styles were students of Chitose.

searcher said:
I am actually form a different group that splintered off in the 70's, but we have recently started going back to our roots and have left our splinter/parent association. we are working on getting ourselves back to where we need to be. It will be a long journey, but one worth taking.
twendkata71 said:
I know that Yoshukai and Tsuroka karate where both originally from Chito ryu. Both of the Founders of those styles were students of Chitose.

As were/are many others. My instructor trained at Yakota Air Base in Japan. I feel that the way there were so many different martial artists coming and going is how it should have continued. People traveling around and training with different instructors. Refining their individual skills and becoming the best that they could be and not so much following only one set way of doing things. This is where I see to many people getting locke dinto one "style" and not exploring what others have to offer. They become very narrow-minded and miss out on a great many techniques that others may have.
Didn't make it to the Interclub.. Thought about it.. and then realized I wanted to wait until the Nationals in August.

That's the good one.
I wanted to go to the interclub,but had other obligations. Anyway I am going to be at nationals. So, back to polishing my kata. Gambatte.

TheHeathen said:
Didn't make it to the Interclub.. Thought about it.. and then realized I wanted to wait until the Nationals in August.

That's the good one.
twendkata71 said:
I wanted to go to the interclub,but had other obligations. Anyway I am going to be at nationals. So, back to polishing my kata. Gambatte.

When the Nationals are over.. since I am working on a new kata as we speak.. We may have to set up a time and get together so I can learn that one.

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