Kosutemi Seieikan - Kata, Competition and Technique

Gambatte, it not a kata. It is Japanese for "Try harder".
I usually do the kata Suparempei. Sometimes I will do Kanku sho,or Seipai. But Suparempei is such a long kata it take forever to get it right. I like the kata Sochin. But, Larry Zahand has that kata down. One of our black belt from WV beat me last year with Annan. Fantastic kata. If you go on the WKF community web site. You will see that the main kata that have been winning at the world championships are suparempei, gankaku,and unsu. As far as weapons go. I usually do either. Tawada no sai or Shushi no kon sho or Sakagawa no kon. I don't like to do Tokumine no kon no dai. Everyone is doing that kata. Even though it is one of my favorites.
Where exactly is your dojo in Obetz? I work in that area and would love to stop by for a work out sometime and discuss kata.

TheHeathen said:
When the Nationals are over.. since I am working on a new kata as we speak.. We may have to set up a time and get together so I can learn that one.
LOL it was kinda a joke.. It's hard to read sarcasm online. :p

You know where Chillicothe Street is in Obetz? How about the Rec Center there..
[I think that I know where that is. What nights and times? And, after I typed my response. I figured that you were kiding.

quote=TheHeathen]LOL it was kinda a joke.. It's hard to read sarcasm online. :p

You know where Chillicothe Street is in Obetz? How about the Rec Center there..[/quote]
My school is having a small tournament August 6th and I would like to invite any and all that would like to attend.

The School:
Fairfield Beach Karate
13155 Laurel Rd
Thornville, Ohio 43076

Typically, the comp starts at 12:00-12:30
Sounds great. So, your teacher was a student of Hanshi Annarino? He has been around for a long time.

OnlyAnEgg said:
My school is having a small tournament August 6th and I would like to invite any and all that would like to attend.

The School:
Fairfield Beach Karate
13155 Laurel Rd
Thornville, Ohio 43076

Typically, the comp starts at 12:00-12:30
twendkata71 said:
Sounds great. So, your teacher was a student of Hanshi Annarino? He has been around for a long time.

Danny tells me he's been teaching Kosutemi for close to 30 years, now. He and Mr. Annarino go back at least that far.
One of Soke Madden's Old Black belts, I know him by the nickname Tommy Thai. Does anyone know his real name? He is a really good martial artist. All around good guy.
OnlyAnEgg said:
My school is having a small tournament August 6th and I would like to invite any and all that would like to attend.

The School:
Fairfield Beach Karate
13155 Laurel Rd
Thornville, Ohio 43076

Typically, the comp starts at 12:00-12:30

The tourney was a fair success. I was the only one in my division; so, not surprisingly, I swept my division! lol.

I did, however, have to do a kata and fight to obtain my uncontested first place. My competitor was a 15 year old Brown Belt whom I did, in fact, whoop :) He's about 4 inches taller and a little heavier than I. It was a good fight :)

Belt test tonight!
Congradulations. Sorry I missed it. I frankly forgot about the tourney. I have been spending most of my time getting ready for Nationals.

OnlyAnEgg said:
The tourney was a fair success. I was the only one in my division; so, not surprisingly, I swept my division! lol.

I did, however, have to do a kata and fight to obtain my uncontested first place. My competitor was a 15 year old Brown Belt whom I did, in fact, whoop :) He's about 4 inches taller and a little heavier than I. It was a good fight :)

Belt test tonight!
twendkata71 said:
Congradulations. Sorry I missed it. I frankly forgot about the tourney. I have been spending most of my time getting ready for Nationals.

Hopefully, I'll have the opportunity to meet you at Nationals. I really don't count on too many people, outside our dojo and Sempai's dojo, to attend these little school comps.

I'm really looking forward to Westland.
Generally, I got to only a few tournaments a year now. Mostly our organization. Once an a while I will go to tournaments that are outside of our organization. Like the Arnold Martial arts festival and the USAKF Nationals. I used to go to tournaments every other weekend. When I was younger and tournaments were the main focus of my training. Now I just do it for the fun of it. With a family I can't really afford to go to tournaments all of the time. The expenses mount up. tournament fees,hotel rooms,gas,food,etc. Heck, if I wanted to go to the AAU nationals or USANKF nationals it would cost about $400.00-$500.00 in travel expenses,hotel room for three days, entry fee,etc. not to mention if I needed a new gi.
That is why I generally just to the our Nationals every year and a few other of our tournaments. Its just a short trip down the road.
Invitational in Richmond

Sensei Phillips and I competed at the United States Karate System Invitational (Jim Thomas) in Richmond yesterday. Between he and I, we garnered 5 1sts and 1 Grand Champion. Not a bad showing for 2 old guys :)

I was particularly pleased to see a CMA school show up. Stroud's Jinen-Do from Cincinnatti. They competed with Primary Drunken Form, 5 Animal Form and a suh-WEET fan form. They, and everyone else in attendance, had a lot of fun and competed most respectfully.

As for me, *sigh* once again, I was the only one in my division. However, I DID spar with a red belt TKD student for my kumite. He beat me, tis true; but, he only beat me by one point, 5-4. I was quite pleased to hold my own so well.

Hope to see many at the Nationals this Saturday!
Jim Thomas is Soke Maddens old black belts. He was on the US team for a few years. He may have changed the name of his style,but he was Seiei kan. For the most part he has always claimed to be a Seiei kan stylist. I am not sure when he went his own way. He was promoting kickboxing events and running a karate school in Washington state. then he moved back to Ohio and then went to Indianna. He started a school in Lakewood,Oh years ago before he went to Washington. I have met him several times. I have heard good and bad things about him, but I have heard that his organization is ok. Fair competitions.
It is good that you are getting in a lot of competition experience.
There's good and bad in everyone, methinks. What I could percieve, in the judging, was fair and I heard no complaints. It was a lot of fun and good competition.
So how did everyone do at Nationals? I won a 1st in white-blue belt kata. 2nd in lightweight novice grappling, and 3rd in lightweight novice randori. Did poorly in kumite, but all in all it was a fun day.
I got 2nd in kata, 3rd in kumite and 2 little kid's from George's school talked me into doing synch kata and we got 3rd.

No real complaints from me outside of kumite. It seemed odd after W-L-W that I didn't have the chance to fight for second; but, eh, some days you're the pigeon, some days you're the statue.

Fun day nonetheless. Congrats, ryudu! Going to Whitehall this weekend?
That actually sounds right. Depending how many were in your division. w-l-w would get you a 3rd. w-w-l would have given you a 2nd. Its ok, sounds like you did well. It takes time to get that national gold. Are you going to the Rick Moore's Four seasons tournament Saturday? I have a few tournaments lined up this year. My main tournament that I would like to compete in next year is the Arnold martial arts tournament and Nationals of course.
Good luck.
twendkata71 said:
That actually sounds right. Depending how many were in your division. w-l-w would get you a 3rd. w-w-l would have given you a 2nd. Its ok, sounds like you did well. It takes time to get that national gold. Are you going to the Rick Moore's Four seasons tournament Saturday? I have a few tournaments lined up this year. My main tournament that I would like to compete in next year is the Arnold martial arts tournament and Nationals of course.
Good luck.

In fact, I am going to Shihan Moore's comp. Looks like I'm the only one going from my dojo, too. I would imagine George will have a troop going, as well; so, I won't be entirely alone.

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