While I can certainly appreciate your point of view, if you are in a competiton, I presume your goal is to win, isn't it? Otherwise, why compete. If you are strictly in it to do forms in front of a group of people and do them in the "correct" manner, I would suggest perhaps just going out to a street corner somewhere and doing your forms for the whole world to see. If you are doing them in a competition environment, you need to adjust and adapt and do them in a manner that will get you a win, otherwise you just blew however much money you paid to enter the competition.
While I can certainly appreciate your point of view, if you are in a competiton, I presume your goal is to win, isn't it? Otherwise, why compete. If you are strictly in it to do forms in front of a group of people and do them in the "correct" manner, I would suggest perhaps just going out to a street corner somewhere and doing your forms for the whole world to see. If you are doing them in a competition environment, you need to adjust and adapt and do them in a manner that will get you a win, otherwise you just blew however much money you paid to enter the competition.