Koryo=Wedding Band Break Form


Saturday morning I went to a black belt pre-test class and had a really class, including a great workout We went through basics, knocking, knocking with a kick, knife-hand sets, knife-hand sets with the kick, knife-hand sets with the kick and a counter, and one steps. We then divided into groups, including one group that will be testing in 6 weeks.

GM had us pre-testers do the first kicho. My mind had been so Palgwe and Koryo saturated lately for the upcoming test that I was afraid the Palgwe stuff knocked out some information about the most basic of basic forms. Fortunately, it didn't and I felt really good about it. GM told us he could tell a lot about the way we would perform the other forms based on how we did the first kicho. Next he asked us to do Koryo. Cool, I though. I've been working Koryo hard and have it down pretty well too. Still needs some polish, of course. BAM! Brain fart after the first knee-break!!! I was stuck. GM sent a high ranking bb over to help me and another person with it. After we went through it a few times the bb left us and I kept going through Koryo over and over and over to help prevent the embarrassing brain fart again.

Anyway, after the workout the middle finger on my left hand felt like something was scratching it. I looked down to find that my wedding band had snapped. I couldn't believe it. It looked like one of those adustable costume jewelry rings with the open back. I didn't do any free sparing. The only fairly solid hitting I did with that hand was the punch to the open hand and the hammerfist to the palm in Koryo.

At the time I thought my better half, who put that ring on my finger, is going to be very upset. Well she was a little upset, but now she sees this as an opportunity to 'upgrade' our rings. Oh boy.

Anyway, my sahbumnim is (jokingly) very impressed with the power I put into my forms. He says that it may not have broke with the hammerfist or striking the palm, but may have happened with one of my punches to thin air. As the fist stopped the ring just couldn't resist the power and momentum transferred to it and the ring was compelled to stay in motion (or something like that). Some wiseguy!

For me, Koryo has become the wedding band break form, and I hope there isn't any unfortunate breaking in Bassai!
First off, sorry about your ring man. One thing that sticks out to me though is that you do the Palgwe forms and Koryo, but you are talking about learning Bassai (a Tang Soo Do/Shotokan form, that most WTF schools do not teach). What forms do you learn?
i believe in old school sabumnims who teach palgwe and taeguk style poomsae.
Mine also teaxhes ITF style poomsae in addition but it's a black belt curriculum thing.

Pretty awesome about your power. I love watching passionate poomsae. I dislike peple who just memorize movements and not put their souls into poomsae.

Also reminds me of candle traing somewhat. My old teacher of Tsing Yi was not satisfied unless you could perform a technique and extinguish a candles flame.

First off, sorry about your ring man. One thing that sticks out to me though is that you do the Palgwe forms and Koryo, but you are talking about learning Bassai (a Tang Soo Do/Shotokan form, that most WTF schools do not teach). What forms do you learn?

So far I have been learning:
3 Kichos
5 Pyung Ahns
Naihanchi (only one of the three parts so far)
8 Palgwes
These are also the forms necessary for 1st Dan. I won't get into the Taegeuks until after 1st Dan.
i believe in old school sabumnims who teach palgwe and taeguk style poomsae.
Mine also teaxhes ITF style poomsae in addition but it's a black belt curriculum thing.

Pretty awesome about your power. I love watching passionate poomsae. I dislike peple who just memorize movements and not put their souls into poomsae.

Also reminds me of candle traing somewhat. My old teacher of Tsing Yi was not satisfied unless you could perform a technique and extinguish a candles flame.


Thank you. I like to think it was my power and not the cheap. . ummm. . . I mean inexpensive, thin, weakened from re-sizing wedding band that was the problem. ;)

So far I have been learning:
3 Kichos​

5 Pyung Ahns​


Naihanchi (only one of the three parts so far)​


8 Palgwes​


These are also the forms necessary for 1st Dan. I won't get into the Taegeuks until after 1st Dan.

Sorry to here about the wedding ban...more money that's gotta be spent...on the other hand....half of those forms i do in Tang Soo Do! Crazy Koreans and their forms.. ;) We do the Keecho's, Pyung Ahns, Bassai, Naihanchi's, and Ship Soo. Good luck on your up coming test!!!
First off, sorry about your ring man. One thing that sticks out to me though is that you do the Palgwe forms and Koryo, but you are talking about learning Bassai (a Tang Soo Do/Shotokan form, that most WTF schools do not teach). What forms do you learn?

We also do Bassia along with the WTF and the ITF forms it is just a way to stay a path of enlightment with all the forms.