I see you decided to ignore the entire point of my comment to be contrarian.
Nope. I'm not being contrarian. I'm pointing out that you are apparently unaware of information which is considered fundamental and basic in the firearms-for-defense community, and has been known for well over a century. You are recommending a course of action and don't even know one of the basic tenants of the training. It's akin to recommending karate for fighting but not knowing what a side kick is or telling someone to go learn kendo so they can use "a samurai sword."
Even if it's theoretically possible to rush someone with a weapon that has a range of 20 yards effectively with a weapon that has a range of 2 feet,
Even if it's possible? You're kidding me, right? You are apparently completely unaware of an entire, and very important, body of information and are arguing from a position of ignorance.
that doesn't invalidate the FACT your best chance of not getting stabbed in a knife altercation, besides escape, is a firearm.
Except that it isn't a fact. Heck, I remember when Tueller came out in the mid-80s and some people thought it was new and fresh. I remember when knife guys like Vunak started doing videos about it. Heck, even Mythbusters did a segment on it. The information is positively awash over the internet. Just look and find it.
Nor does it invalidate the fact that Martial Arts knife disarms are most likely going to get you stabbed or killed if you are convinced of their effacy by some charlatan looking to sell you some false peace of mind.
Which has nothing to do with what you were claiming a few posts ago.
The "21 foot rule" is a thing for a reason. Because there's a lot of truth to it. If you know what it is, how to train for it, and the correct applications, there are ways that you can improve your odds, but the fact is, if someone is in 20-25 feet from you with a knife and is intent on stabbing you, then you have a big problem and it's one that merely having a gun isn't going to solve for you.
Look, I think that guns are the
premier personal defense tool. They are the most effective and efficient, require the least physicality to use, and require the least training for correct and effective use. I am a Certified handgun and rifle
instructor and Certified to Expert in bowie knife. I'm not talking out of my hind-end here. But guns are also not a magic talisman and thinking that one is going to keep you from getting stabbed by someone who is intent on putting the pointy end in your squishy bits when they're inside of around 25' is, frankly, ignorant.
But hey, don't take my word for it. Go get some training from a local firearms instructor. Or at the very least do some research online on how to solve the Tueller Drill. There's plenty of videos and stuff.