I was working with my main workout partner today and we got discussing double stick training. He was wondering what priority double stick training takes in Arnis. As we discussed it I got thinking that I would post his question and see if anyone cares to discuss it here.
1) Where does double stick training fit into your training, or teaching if at all?
2) How much do you do? Or what emphasis do you place on it?
For my self I like to start out a student with DS training for at least a month or so because I believe it helps the student in several different ways.
1) Good coordination or skill type drills.
2) The basic Sinawali type patterns help teach basic fighting combinations that can be applied in several different weapon areas.
3) I also use it as a platform to teach basic disarm concepts and skills. If a student can wrap an arm with a two foot stick in their hand, then doing it with a knife or empty hand is a breeze
4) Good confidence builer and it's fun.
What I normally teach to the beginner student is the following
1) Sinawali drills: Single Sinawali Standard and Advanced, Chambered Single Sinawali (Standard and Advanced), X Pattern, Double Sinawali (All high or Heaven, Standard, Earth or all low).
2) GM Ernesto Presas's 14 count feeding pattern, and the four combative responses hitting with the stick and with the butt (Punyo).
3) Using different counts (angles of attack) of the 14 count feeding drill as a basis for teaching 3 disarms.
GM Remy in the camps that I attended 1995 and on didn't do much DS, compared to GM Ernesto who teaches a lot more. I asked GM Remy once about why he didn't teach that much Double Stick or Stick and Knife and he told me it wasn't applicable to today's society (nobody fights with two sticks in America).
Any thoughts or input?
1) Where does double stick training fit into your training, or teaching if at all?
2) How much do you do? Or what emphasis do you place on it?
For my self I like to start out a student with DS training for at least a month or so because I believe it helps the student in several different ways.
1) Good coordination or skill type drills.
2) The basic Sinawali type patterns help teach basic fighting combinations that can be applied in several different weapon areas.
3) I also use it as a platform to teach basic disarm concepts and skills. If a student can wrap an arm with a two foot stick in their hand, then doing it with a knife or empty hand is a breeze

4) Good confidence builer and it's fun.
What I normally teach to the beginner student is the following
1) Sinawali drills: Single Sinawali Standard and Advanced, Chambered Single Sinawali (Standard and Advanced), X Pattern, Double Sinawali (All high or Heaven, Standard, Earth or all low).
2) GM Ernesto Presas's 14 count feeding pattern, and the four combative responses hitting with the stick and with the butt (Punyo).
3) Using different counts (angles of attack) of the 14 count feeding drill as a basis for teaching 3 disarms.
GM Remy in the camps that I attended 1995 and on didn't do much DS, compared to GM Ernesto who teaches a lot more. I asked GM Remy once about why he didn't teach that much Double Stick or Stick and Knife and he told me it wasn't applicable to today's society (nobody fights with two sticks in America).
Any thoughts or input?