1st of Danny T we where not talking about pencil, pens and belts, the subject is knives, after being a teacher for 11 years and being stabbed myself from breaking up a fight, I believe knives should be left at home also my wife is still a teacher and kids today are not like it was 30 -40 years ago, they use them as weapons, thye do not relize how to just fight like we did back then some of my closes friends are people I used to beat up in school. Wow the way the world turn things around, back in the seventies I too carried a knive but my father and grandfather took the time to explain how a knive was a weapon and not used. Today alot of parent don't even do a good job being a parent they just do not care about this things.
Lastly in my 11 years of teaching i saw 49 kids get stabbed and4 out of those 49 are ina wheel chair today and one was barried after being stabbed by three teens over him saying hello to a girl in school so I stand by my statement no kind of knives should be in school or guns in the back of a truck mow adays, we are not back inthe sixty and seventies this is 2006 and people have little to no respect towards each other anymore.