I can't think of a more irresponsible thing to do than to fulfill such a request of this nature online.
With all the terrorists I see on the news practicing Martial Art kicks, and wanting to learn what we do, to all the gangbangers who would love to back up their criminal activities with deadly kicks, to the average goof-ball who does not have the patience, dedication, and discipline to learn the Martial Art from a genuine instructor who knows better than to answer this question in the first week, month, year of training.
Thank you for challenging this, Kacey!
A very bold and brave thing to say, and I concur 100% My respect to you for saying so!
onibaku, my advice to you is to respect your instructor and your art by asking these specific kinds of questions to the proper people, at the appropriate time - - not on an open, internet forum.
Chief Master D.J. Eisenhart