Kicking techs. and drills


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
Apr 9, 2004
Reaction score
Grand Prairie Texas
Looking to see if any of you teacher out there have any special techs for teaching kicking drills.
One of the ones we use is up against a wall in a fighting stance going through all 6 steps to a proper roundhouse, it seem to help the beginners understand the importants of every step so they can get the most power from a kick.
I'll post more as this thread goes.
Hi, Terry. One important drill which I have picked up from kenpo is intended to develop the ability to strike (or kick) to all targets in a small area. This is especially important for the tae kwon do stylist who might be trapped in an enclosed area and might not have the room to set up his delivery. After all, your sidekick isn't that versatile if you need a full step-through each time before you can deliver any degree of power.

The drill is done by taping a number of x's along a wall, with varying horizontal and vertical coordinates. The student picks a technique (like a round house kick or a crane strike with the hand). From the same position on the floor, he has to strike all the markers without moving in distance at all. This drill allows the student to understand his outer range foremost. It also teaches the student what adaptions he needs to make to still strike with the same blow when the target is closer in.

When the student is accurate enough with the drill, he can work on power by taping the same x's onto a heavy bag or other hitting surface.
We do a 4-directional kick form which everyone seems to like (sort of a take-off of "Sayu jirugi" from my ITF days.)

We do "the gauntlet" in which a student performs kicks down the center of 2 rows of students holding paddles.

Station drills are also done-usually 4-5 stations with a different technique required at each.

Not sure if this was answers the question you asked.
