KHF information

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Dear Hal:

Guess I must have really misunderstood what this get-together was supposed to have been about. Certainly was nice to spend some time at your school but I don't think we quite got around to

a.) Discussing, comparing or contrasting KHF requirements vice our own particular kwans

b.) reviewing what one might expect in a KHF testing situation

c.) examining the forms we are expected to know--- or at least the KHF forms we are expected to know

d.) examining what we might expect in the Masters' course

e.) getting a definitive answer on Fabians' situation and its implications for the June event

As far as June goes right now its pretty much a certainty that I will need to beg-off. Chalk it up to my own poor judgement. I should have known better than to show-up nursing a recovery. The leg is back to square one--- lets make that a "negative" one-- but as the Chicago Cubs fans say "there is always next year." :)

Best Wishes,

First let me try and answer your questions.

One we all know the KHF is working on their syllabus for the ranking system this has been stated many times.

second when i talked with you on many occasions I stated I was covering the syllabus of Chun Do Kwan and you understood that.

Third you asked to be assessed in-regarding KHF Rank ? You left Before anyone could cover the three weapons forms or before anyone had chance to explain what is going on with the KHF and or Fabian .

OK, there's no really soft or complimentary way to address this. Just received an e-mail stating that the KHF June seminar and Masters course is being cancelled, due to lack of interest from.........the people who were supposed to represent the KHF. No offense to anyone in particular, but it looks like the KHF is falling on it's sword.
When the whole ugly mess with Hackworth blew=up there was a time to step back and cut the losses.

When the resultant chaos of disenfranchized folks cluttered the communication pathways looking for homes and spinning their sad stories there was a time to cut the losses.

Now the KHF has failed at the one moment they could have really shown brightly and, once more, its time to cut the losses.

There is simply no saving people from themselves, even when the obvious truthes were laid-out and the needed decisions made clear. I cannot imagine anytime in the future when the present decision-makers will ever be able to transcend their bond with their prejudices and see beyond short-term answers or immediate gratification. Yes, its sad. Patience dictates that I need to be able to wait until these folks grow beyond their limitations and maybe it might happen. All the same I'm not willing to take that gamble. Life is just too short. FWIW.

BTW: As a small but related thought I was considering what the implications might be for others who practice under other Hapkido masters, and to a larger extend to folks who practice other KMA under other masters. Is it possible to still have confidence that the master serves the greater good of his art, his organization or himself? Comments?

Best Wishes,

I am sad to hear that the hard work Hal and Fabian have put into this is not bearing fruit at this time. One thing I know. Hap Ki Do people are resilient, and I am sure Hal will continue his efforts if the people who encourrage him in the first place will stand by and support him.
Cheers to Masters Whalen and Fabian for all of their hard work!
Perhaps the time has come for American Hapkido-in (This was mentioned a few months ago), to formulate a new American (KHF) organization. There are more than enough high ranking Masters to put together a governing board and do it right. To quote an old saying, "If you want something done right, Do it yourself"........ Surfice to say, not much is really being done right as of present.
There are certain things i will not go into or divulge because it would be like feeding Roast-beef to the sharks while it is strapped to your leg,,,,,,

This si why I chose to be on the fence. This going back and forth seems to be habitual. For example, in my case, I was told one thing by one party, contradicted by another, and then in the same conversation Korean representatives from KHF said both.

I agree with Bruce. We need to move forward, do the best we can, and work together to better our art, and ourselves. In the end, KHF is a Korean organization, but we are not Korean. There are masters here and in other countries just as talented. If they will not support us, then we must support ourselves, but we must first begin by acting like martial artists. Personal attacks, and airing of perceived, or real, dirty laundry does not help. We must project a strong image, as we are only as strong as the image we show.
Seems to me that some folks are ready to jump ship before the water hits the deck. Perhaps Hal has not had a chance to work things out, and all that is needed is a bit more patience AND greater meaningful support.

I have run my own org for thirty years now, and I know from experience that things take time and mistakes will be made. I also know that most martial artists worth their salt will not quit until they give it their best shot... that is just the way we are. Any org. needs to have its members pull together in a crisis, and this is a time where KHF members need to ask Hal and Fabian "what can we do to get things right".

I am not a KHF member; however, I would hate to see the former rep get the last laugh. Having said that. Hal, IS there anything I can do (even if I'm not a member)?
Sorry, Rudy, but I think we have a difference of opinion here.

The problems are grossly systemic in the KHF. The ugliness with Hackworth was just the tip of the iceberg (Note: "iceberg": Canadian term meaning "I'll take mine with ice" :) ). The same is begining to happen with Julian Lim and the KOMA program HE is starting. These folks are just the lightening rods. The storm is among the various players who are each tussling for their own turf in the KHF and whose names will rarely hit the light of day. Even Bae and Johnson--- while closer to the fire--- are not the actual propagators of this chaos. Time will not solve the problem because it is indigenous to the Korean approach for splinter groups to vie for power. Ascribe it to a tribal heritage if you want to but this approach to political things has been around for centuries. I can also say that Reason does not enter into this as the desire for power and influence is not Reason, but Emotion-driven. Unfortunately Hal and Fabian and a number of other non-Koreans cannot do much as they are simply not respected as equals or peers in the KHF hierarchy. The people who are fighting to make decisions in the KHF feel they are dealing with a distinctly Korean product of a Korean culture and folks such as Hal and Fabian are just tokens allowed in to put an egalitarian face on an elitist organization.

I honestly wish things were different, but they are not and won't be because the people who make the decisions don't wan it to be. And by the way we can't blame Oh See Lim either. He's just an old person who does what he is told and changes his mind depending on who is standing closest to him at any given minute. Find the guy who makes decisions about where Oh See Lim goes and why and you will get a lot more answers----- IF you can get them to come out into the light of day. FWIW.

Best Wishes,


I agree with Bruce on this. I have been watching this thing since it began. Master Whalen with all of his skill is doomed to fail. The KHF is being "controlled" by a couple of Kwans that are rather xenophobic. They have been pushing for complete control for a couple of months. I can understand though if they use the model provided by Hackworth as a basis of thought for all American Hapkidoin.

Like Bruce, I wish it was different. i thought there was going to be sweeping changes and that what we would end up with is a true leadership for the art, that might eventually become the NGB. I don't think we will see this in our lifetime. I do hope and pray that I am wrong, because some of the best Hapkido training I have received has been from KHF sources, notably JinJunKwan. (I'm not saying that other KHF kwans are not good... only that I have not had much expereince with other Kwans.)

As a former soldier, I chose Master Lim's SMK because of its military slant. All of the KOMA-USA guys are military or former military, so that gives us something to work with. Then keep in mind that we have all trained together in some fashion, and voila. We would like nothing better than to be able to rely on KHF training, but I don't think that is going to happen.
Seems to me that some folks are ready to jump ship before the water hits the deck

Using the same anology, if it's a slave ship - you bet........... The past and now the current, along with many remarks from people in general regarding Koreans and their attitudes toward outsiders, has shed a big bright light on realism. For whatever reason(s), you were smart enough to start your own organization 30 yrs ago. Surfice to say, what's good for the goose is good for the gander. To be perfectly honest, it's time for the "stepchild" to stand on it's own, cause the parent(s) don't care about it.

Master Whalen, with respect, metaphors don't seem to be your strong suit (roast beef on the leg with sharks.......... Hello! :idunno: ). If there is something to say,.....then say it. If there are plans in the works for something homegrown, shed some light on it. They say light makes things grow. Being vague only lets people assume that someone may be playing both ends against the middle. There's been more than enough of that already.
I wrote my reply before Fabian informed us that it was the KHF folks who declined to come for whatever reason. As non member of KHF, I have no information other than what I see on these forums. Suffice it to say that I am as ignorant as it gets when it comes to KHF politics. My reasons for saying what I did was simply based on fear that our "buddy" in FL migh have thrown a curve Hal's way. I just hate to see good people like Hal and Fabian fail because of lack of support. I stand corrected. :asian:
I began NKMAA when my GM left the area and we were sort of in limbo. With a few schools in our area being affected, I started a small org to keep things going. As time whent by, it kept on growing because of the many problems Korean based orgs seemed to run into (the KHF is an example).
Now, we have grown into a world-wide non pofit org that is not interested in politics... just recognizing honest hard work and sharing technique. Seems to work for us so far. :)
Kwanjang, I applaud you for all your years of dedication, to not only your training and teaching, but even more so for following your heart. The path one decides to follow, in making the MA's their calling, is a lonely one and with very little return for their effort. Hold dear the truths, that you have influenced many people and have probably even saved some from a life of less than honorable ending. Many of the Masters of old, traveled the same road that you have journeyed on, so be of untroubled mind and a fullfilled heart, for you are in excellent company.

With much respect.... :asian:

Mike Dunn
Master Dunn:
Thank you so very much for the encouragement. It sometimes IS lonely, and it is people like yourself who just pop up to give a boost that keeps everything in focus. Thanks!

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