Kettlebell training

I keep getting information sent to the house...They look good and I understand the concept of kettlebells versus regular dumbells, but the kettlebell stuff is EXPENSIVE...
Im at present trying to convince my gym to get some...the ones at my MMA gym are always being used.

Has anyone tried out any of the sledgehammer stuff?

what did you think of it?
I've been looking at buying some kettlebells but as mentioned they are very expensive and the shipping charges are also a killer.

I've got a bunch of sledgehammer and tractor tire drills that I do on Wednesday's as part of my strength and conditioning training. I started out with a light sledgehammer (8lbs) but have moved up to a 16lb one, it's hardcore.
I think kettlebells are a nice addition or switch for your work outs. And they are very pricey. Once in a while you can find a set on ebay and pick them up there. Some (not all) kettlebell drills can be done with dumbbells tho'.

I love kettlebell training but everyone is very right in that they are incredibly expensive. A good friend of mine is the local expert per se in Michigan. He trains with all the best guys and is a martial artist as well.
Here is his website:
Man, Ken is a monster!!! I haven't seen him in years!!!
I like the kettlebells. Yes, they are expensive, but it's not like you need to buy new ones every week. And the size and weight distribution do make them quite a bit different then barbells.

Brian Jones