Black Belt
Recommended by my teacher, Bill Schettino, whose advice is always on the mark:
-----Forwarded Message-----
From: kettlebells@cox.net
Sent: Jan 8, 2004 4:56 PM
To: estacadanyc@earthlink.net
Subject: info on 1/31 & 2/1 kettlebell workshop
K.O.ntact Champ and Strength Coach extraordinaire Steve Cotter is offering his patented Full K.O.ntact Kettlebells workshop on Sat. Jan. 31 and Sun. Feb. 1 at The Training
Room in Avon, NJ.
This will be a 2 day, Level 1 and Level 2 course. The content includes:
Level 1
2 and 1 hand swings, cleans, double cleans, front squats,
Turkish get-ups, presses (strict military press, double press, alternate press,1 leg press, seated press, waiter's press), snatch, jerk, double jerks, rack holds and overhead holds
Level 2
This will cover figure 8s, around the worlds, 1 leg DL, windmills (low, high, doubles), double swings, double snatch, alternating cleans, alternating snatch, bottoms-up cleans, bottoms-up press, side press, bent press, 2 hands anyhow, Renegade rows, overhead squats, and specialized Full K.O.ntact movements for martial arts.
The theme of the course is applied strength for Martial Art application, using kettlebells as the ideal auxiliary training tool for developing explosive power in all ranges
Both courses will cover in-depth power breathing and auxiliary stretching methods necessary to properly perform the kettlebell lifts.
You will leave the workshops with a thorough understanding of proper lifting mechanics, program design, and goal setting/achievement.
Pre-registration is required. Fee is $200 for 1 day and $300 for both. The
workshops are both 5 hr in duration.
The host facility, The Training Room in Avon, NJ (Avon-by-the-sea) is now handling all registration.
Please contact the gym directly to register.
Contact Jim Milkowski at trainingroom@monmouth.com to sign up for 2 days of educational torture with yours truly.
Let me know if you have any questions, requests, comments.
In Strength,
Steve Cotter
Full K.O.ntact Kettlebells