Any kettlebell users

The cardio bag workout at our training studio involves kettlebells. I am not a huge fan of certain standing moves (One in particular bangs the backs of my wrists and generates bruises), but the side to side crunches with the kettlebell have improved my core strength enormously!

You get used to the banging on the wrists and after a while it doesn't hurt anymore.
girlbug2: there's a certain technique to doing snatches with the flip, without banging the bell on your wrists. Youtube has plenty videos on how to do this, it basically involves a snappy pull and punch through, e.g. here. If I'm not wrong, there's a way to do snatches without the flip.

Tez3: besides negatives, you might also want to try doing assisted pullups, whether with the help of a machine or partner. It's also generally recommended not to train to muscle failure, i.e. do fewer reps but more sets, with sufficient rest in between. Got this info from Pavel's books.

Mook jong man: With respect, banging the wrists is generally considered poor form, but whatever floats your boat, as long as you aren't injuring yourself.

I do the Program Minimum from Pavel's Enter the Kettlebell, and have noticed slight increases in my fitness from time to time. Mainly I use the ballistics for cardio: I personally hate running.

Cheers, and have fun training!
thanks for the advice all, I will give all a good go. My daughter by the way also has killer legs! get in her guard and she will crack your ribs!
these are from her Facebook thingy so I'm not invading privacy (shes a show off anyway lol) The middle one is the kettle bells during the circuit training we do as warm up, the third is her squidging out of a hold with one of the guys.

Mook jong man: With respect, banging the wrists is generally considered poor form, but whatever floats your boat, as long as you aren't injuring yourself.

It happened when I first started so probably my form was crappy , but I just persisted with it until my form got better and now it doesn't seem to bang anymore . But with a background in Wing Chun getting smashed on the wrists is not that big a deal anyway , its par for the course .
thanks for the advice all, I will give all a good go. My daughter by the way also has killer legs! get in her guard and she will crack your ribs!
these are from her Facebook thingy so I'm not invading privacy (shes a show off anyway lol) The middle one is the kettle bells during the circuit training we do as warm up, the third is her squidging out of a hold with one of the guys.


She certainly looks the goods Tez , you must be very proud of her.
She certainly looks the goods Tez , you must be very proud of her.

I am hugely! she's only five foot and weighs about 50kg but literally punches well above her weight. She started in Wado Ryu like me and has gone on to do MMA, so she can do all the traditional karate (for the purists lol) The photos are taken in our club, I couldn't make them bigger without taking up all the page lol!
I have been doing KB's since 2002, when I first met Mike mahler before he moved from Va.

I was certified from the RKC in 03, when it still ment something and it had not turned into a cult.

I have been a pro KB Instructor since 03, 1 of the first to actually do it full time.

My real name is Dylan Thomas, I have done lots of workshops with Mike including the Collision Course, that's on DVD.

Any MT me,ber in my area who wants a free lesson, just PM me.

I train with KB's, but have only been doing so for about a year now. I have used Mike Mahler's online stuff, and has given, IMO, a great foundation to start from. I have since added in my own exercises to emphasize my own martial art techniques, (for example a power clean, into gaurd position, then punch). I also use physioballs ALOT (GREAT core workout), as well as wobble boards and medicine balls.

I suppose it all depends on your goals of resistance training. My focus is more on explosive power (thus KB's), and core strength for balance (thus physioballs, wobble boards).

I have been training in Moo Duk Kwan TKD for 24 years, and have been a chiropractic physician for 2 years now. The marriage to my career (chiropractor) and my passion (martial arts) has alot of crossover benefits. I am always interested in hearing what people use to develop better technique and physique for both martial arts and daily life!
My wife's Russian & her cousin who happens to be a very good martial artist teaches a kettlebell class at my school 3 times a week. It's actually a very good workout & popular with my students as that class always fills up.:mst:

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