Kettlebells & Jiu-Jitsu

I've been using kettle bells regularly since June of last year and I have seen lots of improvement in my functional strength. In particular, my grip strength has increased. I think, overall, my performance while rolling has gotten better because I have more control over situations with the increased strength. The technique was there before, but during a scramble, grips would break loose and I'd be stuck hunting for something else. Now, there is a little less of that.
Not a JJ practitioner but I luuuvvv my Kettle Bells. I keep them outside on my patio and they get swung at least once a week -- regardless of the weather.
They're really more of a conditioning or GPP tool than anything else, but yes I use them pretty often. Really heavy swings, like your body weight or heavier, are a pretty good strength building exercise as a hip hinge. I still think barbell work has more to offer as far as strength and injury prevention goes.
I am using kettlebells. I have seen lots of improvement. Using the right size and weight of kettlebell can be effective in generating the resistance you need to burn a lot of calories quickly in a fitness session.
I started kettlebells a couple of months ago to get ready for BBJ that I'm starting soon and I doubt I ever use free weights again.
I have hurt back with kettle bell swings a couple of month ago, I went to see my physio he said he gets tonnes of people in just from kettle bells.

I have decided to go easy on the weights and just train bjj
I use kettlebells for some exercises. They're really terrific for building strength and in some ways work better than barbells or dumbbells.

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