Kenpo Tools

I just got to thinking about it...actually reading the term dimensions threw me off cause we usually refer to them as zones, and I knew there were four zones, height, width, depth, and obscure, or zone of sanctuary.
Chronuss said:
ooh...time to stop using those interchangeably....hmm.....could you please tell us the difference then? :)


Obscure Zones...... Infinite Insights Volume IV,Chapter 6, page 90.

Zone of Sancturary is a an area of dead space that offers protection. brain hurts from just reading that...must print out when i get home so i can actually go and understand what in the world i read...however i think i got the natural weapons before the natural defenses after reading it the first time around but i'm gonna go back and examine these more thoroughly so i comprehend them better.... :asian:
Chronuss said:
...that is so not cool
Why?......... this is a thread on Kenpo Tools....... that's what we are discussing...... (last I looked):)

Has the cat got your tongue? .... Are you broken off at the fingertips? .... Need someone else to function as your brain?...

The Question is......... what do YOU want to talk about!

Mr. C:whip:Chad...Chad:btg:Mr. C gotta remember who you're talking about here...what do I know...I'm just a lowly teenager...
okay...maybe we could talk about technique groupings and technique relationships? everyone not in the Kenpo world always wonders why we have so many ways to defend against "insert attack here," when a lot of the techniques are related and sometimes seem to be rearrangements of the same movements. I was thinking about some of these the other day and came up with a few...

Mace of Aggression and Triggered Salute.
-both techniques start in contact manipulation and in the front
-both techniques launch from a right neutral bow
-both advance during the pinning of the oppenents hand
-both bend the oppenent's arm on the inside
-both have a right elbow combination

Captured Twigs and Obscure Wing
-both attacks are from the rear
-both techniques are executed while in a horse stance
-both have the same hammerfist/obscure elbow combination (the rear elbow strike is "there" in Capture Twigs)

then of course there the differences between each of these techs., but the differences are almost opposites, so could the differences be called compliments...? i.e.: the elbow combination in Mace of Aggression is above the oppents arms, in Triggered Salute it is below; in Captured Twigs we step out to the left, in Obscure Wing we step to the right...almost like the topic you discussed with us going over Short 1, cross body coordination, we just don't realize it because they're completely different techniques.
Chronuss said:
okay...maybe we could talk about technique groupings and technique relationships? everyone not in the Kenpo world always wonders why we have so many ways to defend against "insert attack here," when a lot of the techniques are related and sometimes seem to be rearrangements of the same movements. I was thinking about some of these the other day and came up with a few...

Mace of Aggression and Triggered Salute.
-both techniques start in contact manipulation and in the front
-both techniques launch from a right neutral bow
-both advance during the pinning of the oppenents hand
-both bend the oppenent's arm on the inside
-both have a right elbow combination

Captured Twigs and Obscure Wing
-both attacks are from the rear
-both techniques are executed while in a horse stance
-both have the same hammerfist/obscure elbow combination (the rear elbow strike is "there" in Capture Twigs)

then of course there the differences between each of these techs., but the differences are almost opposites, so could the differences be called compliments...? i.e.: the elbow combination in Mace of Aggression is above the oppents arms, in Triggered Salute it is below; in Captured Twigs we step out to the left, in Obscure Wing we step to the right...almost like the topic you discussed with us going over Short 1, cross body coordination, we just don't realize it because they're completely different techniques.
Ahhhhhhhh weehopper, you are finally starting to study the material and take some notes of what you are learning..........



now get back to work and study more.....


:asian:(with respect of course)
How about the importance of coming to class regularly???????

Or Finger set and the application of hip and shoulder rotation?? :supcool:
...just because I don't show up to class because of work/school doesn't mean I don't study the material, I usually go through techniques on lunch break cause I don't eat lunch or run things through my head when I have to carry lumber or cut, or apply adheasive or any other task I have to do.

and Finger Set...I just need to practice opposite side for that as well as Striking Set...I get stuck in a few places where my mind stops and I have run the orders through again...

and what about my question...would those differences between the techniques count as compliments..?
All the techniques work together to form a whole. Think of it like the art form of pointilism. Each individual point has it's place, but standing on it's own does not form a picture. Eventually, as you add more points, an image starts to form. As more images form, you begin to get a larger picture. All of the techniques fall into a category, one of the areas of the WOK. If you look at the WOK as it is diagramed in II, you will see that all categories come to a single point. There are other ways to categorize the techniques as well, such as family groupings and familial relationships. One point I used to illustrate this in class was Dance of Death, Thundering Hammers. and the Sleeper. While you have not been taught the Sleeper yet, look at the opening of DoD and TH, in both cases, you step forward with the left and block with the left. What becomes different is the application in the next strike, a sword hand to the groin versus a forearm across the bladder. These techniques are related. Mr. C can, and I am sure will, get into family groupings much more in depth later. You are, however, on the right track with your thought process.
yes, I understand that the concept behind Master Key Moves is to able to adapt almost any technique and apply it to almost any attack with help from the Equation Formula, giving Kenpoists the ability to defend ourselves in a variety of situations. I was hoping Mr. C would give me some food for though and expand on the idea of technique families or technique relationships; granted, right now we've only covered about a fourth of the system as of right now and still have quite a bit to cover.