

Green Belt
Hello all, I am Gary Catherman, an IKKO member. Ive only met a few of you, and havent posted much on here, but after the last few weeks, I'd like some feedback on an exchange I had on another forum.

I come to Kenpo as a fighter, first and foremost. Not a point fighter, or dojo sparrer, but as a person that most of you probably started training to protect yourself against. In my earlier days, I banged alot in bars, clubs, against neighbors, family members, coworkers, etc.... I liked to fight, and I did alot of it. ENough chest pounding. Ive been AT kenpo for over 11 years, have acquired blackbelt in an offshoot system, as well as an Okinawan system and a Kali system. Ive trained hard and have gotten all caught up in the kenpo fury. Recently the whole issue of kenpo being a tool for personal enlightenement, and spiritual growth has come up, and I had a pretty heated back-and-forth with a group of Tracy Kenpo guys. Knowing that alot of you were Tracy people before becoming IKKO, I thought Id ask if anyone besides me wants to grow in kenpo to merely become a better weapon? My main concern with studying kenpo is to protect my family and myself. I dont want to become a monk, philosopher, priest, or ...well you get the picture. I only want to make myself more effective at squelching a violent altercation. Do any of you feel this same way, or are you all about the philosophy of becoming a better person through kenpo? I have a hard time connecting compassion to kenpo, as well as trying to make the world a better place through kenpo. Protection at it's most efficient level is my main concern. Nor am I concerned at all with any history before SGM Parker. I dont know much about, nor do I care to know much about Chow, Mitose, etc....What happened before SGM Parker took his knowledge and created EPAK has no bearing on me, my abilities, or my reason for being involved in kenpo. Protection, plain and simple. Questions, comments, etc.....

Thanks in Advance.
Gary C.
Kalicombat said:
Hello all, I am Gary Catherman, an IKKO member. Ive only met a few of you, and havent posted much on here, but after the last few weeks, I'd like some feedback on an exchange I had on another forum.

I come to Kenpo as a fighter, first and foremost. Not a point fighter, or dojo sparrer, but as a person that most of you probably started training to protect yourself against. In my earlier days, I banged alot in bars, clubs, against neighbors, family members, coworkers, etc.... I liked to fight, and I did alot of it. ENough chest pounding. Ive been AT kenpo for over 11 years, have acquired blackbelt in an offshoot system, as well as an Okinawan system and a Kali system. Ive trained hard and have gotten all caught up in the kenpo fury. Recently the whole issue of kenpo being a tool for personal enlightenement, and spiritual growth has come up, and I had a pretty heated back-and-forth with a group of Tracy Kenpo guys. Knowing that alot of you were Tracy people before becoming IKKO, I thought Id ask if anyone besides me wants to grow in kenpo to merely become a better weapon? My main concern with studying kenpo is to protect my family and myself. I dont want to become a monk, philosopher, priest, or ...well you get the picture. I only want to make myself more effective at squelching a violent altercation. Do any of you feel this same way, or are you all about the philosophy of becoming a better person through kenpo? I have a hard time connecting compassion to kenpo, as well as trying to make the world a better place through kenpo. Protection at it's most efficient level is my main concern. Nor am I concerned at all with any history before SGM Parker. I dont know much about, nor do I care to know much about Chow, Mitose, etc....What happened before SGM Parker took his knowledge and created EPAK has no bearing on me, my abilities, or my reason for being involved in kenpo. Protection, plain and simple. Questions, comments, etc.....

Thanks in Advance.
Gary C.
Hi Gary.... good thoughts and questions.......

My personal take is... We all are in Kenpo for different reasons. Some for Defense (most initially actually) but then goals altered after some years to other adjustments and goals.

As far as "Self Defense" as a # 1 priority goes..... I think if studied properly... you will far surpass any expectations that you may have. This is logically rooted in utilizing the drills (various aspects of the curriculum) to develop supreme coordination which will be the start of directional training to other important aspects (such as proper body alignment, the understanding of important principles, and strategies) resulting in maximum efficiency when executed.

Later today I'd like to share an experience that I had outside of the studio. I think we as martial artist have a certain responsibility to uphold. Mr. C. knows of my story but I'd like to share with the rest of you. Right now I have to get ready for Heather's birthday party today. :) Don't tell her but she turns 34 tomorrow. :uhyeah:
Kalicombat said:
Hello all, I am Gary Catherman, an IKKO member
Gary, How goes it? Nice to see you on the board. :)

I come to Kenpo as a fighter, first and foremost. Not a point fighter, or dojo sparrer, but as a person that most of you probably started training to protect yourself against.
I started to supplement my wrestling in H.S. I needed something to stay in shape and keep the skills sharp. I figured karate was the best choice. My first stepping in was awesome so I signed up the next tuesday. We were a fighting school. Not point fighting just hard sparring. We sparred every class. We trained in a garage with one kerosene heater. You took your licks and with class fee's of 20 bucks how could you go wrong. The fee's were to only pay for the kerosene for winter. The head instructor didn't care if you were there or not. You had to learn to fight. After a year or so we started tournaments. So I got an aspect for tournaments. Didn't like 'em. I trained for 5 months to get into full contact kickboxing. I had a couple of fights but started wrestling again. After getting married and the birth of a child did I start to change my thinking to being able to protect my family. This is where I'm at today. After finding Kenpo 11 years ago. Kenpo suits me the best. I love it and will train in Kenpo the rest of my life. That's my quick background if you will.

As I stated earlier, I think we as martial artist should have more discipline and standards for helping people in need. My training partner for instance. When he first came to me in the gym everyone (and I mean everyone) told me that Buddy was worthless, a waste of time, he didn't listen, so on and so forth. After 4 years I have never given up on him. Only now since the beginning of '05 has he really started to listen to me. Since Jan. 2 he has finally lost 25 pounds and counting. If I weren't a martial artist with discipline and dedication I would have told Buddy to pound salt. I prefer to lift alone. However he neded help. I offered and have not given up hope that one day he will finish his last 20 - 25 pounds.

My next story.
A woman came to me asking for help. Last year for 7 months I was doing double weight lifting sessions in preperations for my belt test coming on June 24. (Before anyone asks I'm finishing my 3rd with my current instructor out of respect for him and myself. I think it's only fair for both as myself and someone else is the highest in the studio. As anyone knows getting a student from white to 3rd black is an outstanding accomplishment - to say the least.) Anyways, Judi came to me after having survived breast cancer and 2 botched reconstructions. She said her 3rd and hopefully last will fix all of the problems. What the doctor was going to do was cut half her back muscles and re-attach them after reforming her breasts with the muscles. I'm still not exactly sure how it works but that's my best offerings. She asked me to train her back muscles to be the strongest they could in the 4 months she had left before surgery. I decided to help her. After her 10 weeks off and she came back to work she felt so good about herself and thanked me very much for taking the time to work with her. Again, without discipline and understanding the need of another I may not have done it.
My youngest son has some difficulties that may leave him wheelchair bound as an adult. I do my best to stretch with him and teach him little things here and there. I'm hoping that one day his coordination, strength, combined with stretching will pay off so maybe one day they will find a cure for him before he is dependent upon a wheelchair.
I try to be a martial artist in and out of the studio. Regardless of only being in there one day a week I still practice on my own and share with others. I think that's what being a martial artist is about. My family comes first and I couldn't be happier with my 9month old little girl. She is truely a blessing . :asian:

Thanks all for taking the time to read.
Thanks for the reply. First, Im sorry to hear about your youngest son. With determination and your love he'll be able to overcome alot of obstacles.

Second,your story of the guy that everyone gave up on is a good story. However, I think that no matter how much you lead a horse to the creek, he wont drink unless he wants to. Losing weight is a helluva battle that Ive been struggling with my whole life, and will be struggling with for the rest of my life. I dont realy think that kenpo gave you the character to treat this guy the way you did. You are genuinely a good guy, and both this story,and the story of the woman you helped train, are just indicative of that.

I dont think its compassion or being a good person that prompts people to do things "good" in society, merely the way we are raised and the experiences we have endured, and I definitely dont see a correlation between studying an art designed to rearrange an adversaries molecules and lending a hand to a person in need. It is my opinion that a person is what they are, if your are a good person, helping those in need, trying to treat others the way in which you'd like to be treated, etc.... that you'd be the same person with or without kenpo.

Finaly, there is nothing more important in this world then a persons family. Friendships are ok, but blood runs much deeper. Im not the type of guy that is going to trust most people enough to open up to them with a helping hand. If I see a person that needs help, I'll help them out, but thats it. Im not gonna invite them "IN' to my world. I dont see most people as being "good" with a few scumbags along the way, I see most people as being scumbags with a few bright spots along the way. Kenpo isnt going to change my take on people, society, faith, who I am, or who an individual is. Train, Train hard, and make sure you do what needs done when the time comes. IF the time comes, expect no mercy and offer no mercy.

Just my take,
Gary Catherman
I was trying to teach both Buddy and Judi discipline and dedication to reaching their goals. Judi I had training her back muscles 2 and 3 days a week to try and get them as strong as they could before her surgery. The doctor told her the stronger they were the better off she would be. So, with the time we had I did my best. She came in all of the way until about 2 weeks before her surgery to rest. Judi had a good 3 solid months.
I know weight has been a struggle for you Gary and I'm happy that you have reached milestones in your goals and that's what I try with Buddy. I seen him earlier and told him to prepar for our cardio session today. Buddy gets pretty excited even though I put him through a lot of torcher in the gym but in the end he always says "Jas, you know, I tell everyone what kind of guy you are. You're the only one that helps me". Everyone else in our gym that he has worked out with has kicked him out of their program. I looked at it as, if I can teach Buddy something then I can teach anyone something. Through patients, longevity, and discpline. That's where I relate those two individuals to my kenpo training. :asian: