why cross train, when everything you need is right here in Kenpo?
You're right! There is alot in this art. I still believe though that if you wanted a more in depth look at something, you just may have to look elsewhere.
BJJ is not good on the street!
You're right again. Especially when it comes to mult. attackers. However, in the event that you fell to the ground, I would think that having some ground knowledge would be helpful.
Why break from tradition?
I can only speak for myself on this one, but I'm always looking for ways to make myself better! And, if that means looking outside the box, then I'm gonna do it.
You'll never get attacked with a knife!
And how do you know that????
And so are mine!!!!
(I arrived at the party late and wanted to piss in the pool too. Do ya mind if I do it from the edge? I don't like swimming in my own pee.)
Hey Billy! Welcome to the party! By all means, stand on the edge...I dont like swimming in pee either!
Has fighting really changed all that much in the past couple of decades? Do we have eight legged mutants running around our city streets now, or has the average fighting prowess of Joe Mugger increased exponentially? Why do we need to change Ed Parker's Kenpo? It's always worked for me? I guess I'm wrong to assume that Kenpo is good enough. Maybe I'll take up studying
Lathalo or some other
more effective system. God knows... Mr. Parker (and all of his students) kept us in the dark, and didn't want us to know the secret methodology of combating mutants, right?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didnt Parker himself make changes from when he first learned Kenpo? I believe that he did, so if thats the case, whats to say that there, if he was still alive, there would be more changes???? If something has worked for you, thats great! Hats off to you Billy! But just cuz something works for you, are you assuming that its gonna work for everybody?? Everybody is different. What works for one, may not work for another.
In the long run I think any system is what you make of it. If you make it effective for you, then it will be. If you just go through the motions without commiting yourself to what you're doing then you lost before you got there. My system of choice is Kenpo, and my effort is to make it work the way it was ment to work (Eight legged mutant or not). Just some thoughts.
You're right! It is what you make of it. I really dont want to turn this into another 'my system is better than yours' debate, although that is where it seems to be going here. I've had the chance to talk with Clyde a few times, and I have to say that he opened my eyes to alot of things. Its amazing how you can have 2 people do the same art and yet there are so many differences. Hmm...those words sound familiar dont they??? As I've also said before, we cant all be fortunate enough to train with Larry Tatum, so we have to train with who we have available to us at the time. Did I get the quality Inst. that you do? Definately not. Does that make my Kenpo any worse? Not at all. If I can apply it, and make it work for me, that is all I care about. If I find that I need to crosstrain in something, maybe I'm doing it cuz I happen to like that art. So why then does it seem to bother sooooo many people????
Let me ask you a question Billy. If you went to a new restaurant, with a huge variety of items on the menu, would you always want to eat the same thing, or maybe take a taste of something new? I dont know about you, but I want to sample as much as I can. I guess the same can be applied to the wide variety of arts that are out there!!!