Without a doubt. The problem I have faced, is that while going to Judo and BJJ schools, I found out what they would do, in their realm, in a static setting, no more, no less.
What I wanted to know was 1.) What do they do, how do they function 2.) what will they do, how will they function against my Kenpo/Kali etc 3.) What do I need to address in my training... which is based on how they handle what I present.
The problem lies in the fact that when I attempt this experiment in traditional grappling schools or with guys who are grappling oriented all I hear is "Hey you can't do that.."
And thus it is only marginally beneficial.
They typically aren't interested in trying the BJJ in a context that isn't, well, BJJ or MMA with its attendant rules. They are just like the Kenpo guys who don't want to grapple because they think they have it all already and to be proven contrary hurts their ego. Grapplers don't want to come to the realization that yes, the rules of competition greatly enhance your arts functionality, and yes, I just might get to my knife while you are working to pass my guard etc etc...
Just like with anything, it has to be pressure tested to some degree. Static competition is part of that, but a personÂ’s BJJ is only so pressure tested until they open up their experimenting and try it against multiple attackers, armed attackers and mean nasty biting clawing eye gouging ones. I donÂ’t see that happening in grappling schools, and with the few who have tried it with me, well, their paradigm was permanently altered.
I have enjoyed your posts so far, and watched several of your videos, thanks for posting!
MJS, we typically see pretty eye to eye on this stuff, so this is likely just semantics, nuance, details etc....but;
But they are sports, aren't they? MMA as we use the term these days is practically synonymous with the UFC, Octagon etc.... Sure, the root is "mixed martial arts" which could mean anything, but colloquially it means "I study boxing, MT Kickboxing, BJJ or wrestling" and they do so in the context of the sporting rules.
When I read your quote and see the word "methods" I think of the methods BJJ and MMA use in training and preparing for a sporting event - which are in many ways incompatible or counter to SD training. Competition places arbitrary constraints that SD situations do not have. For this reasons, underlying philosophy and subsequent methods are in fact very important.
Now, I'm splitting hairs here and this is just nuance, however it is worth fleshing out IMHO. Do you disagree? And if so, why do you feel the need to add the qualifier "those methods can be adapted".
My thoughts are that you actually agree, otherwise you wouldn't feel the need for adapting.
I agree with the essence of what you are saying, and we have talked about this enough that I know you evaluate your training add and adapt as needed... but how many really do that? The sad fact is most do not, and most honestly think, I go to bjj class one night a week, I have grappling SD covered. They really don't, if they don't work hard to adjust the METHODS and the PHILOSOPHY to one that fits real life SD.
It doesn't mean that because you are conditioned from prior training and experience to know it should not mean that. In general, BJJ guys and MMA guys think it does mean that. I'm sure you have heard from your grappling buddies, just like I have "Kenpo/Kali/Boxing/TKD.... oh, I'll just get him on the ground and submit him." Oh, really?
Nuance again but consider this;
If your concern is SD, then why would you ask someone who specializes in Greco wrestling or BJJ to help you with ground self defense? It isn't what they are specializing in.
Using your analogy; a truck driver is trained. A truck Driver is licensed. A truck driver operates a large, complex and potentially dangerous vehicle.
So far all of this fits a pilot right? The difference is that a truck is not a plane, and the road is not the sky. (I know duh..)
Apply the same logic to a BJJ guy.
A BJJ guy is trained, he grapples... on the ground. But a BJJ match, a wrestling match... is not a life and death street fight. So, why do we ask them to help us prepare for a life and death (ground) street fight? WE SHOULDN'T unless we do so with our eyes wide open to all the problems, to all the context, to all the techniques and ideas they teach that we will need to drop or change or... adapt.
Now, I know you do this.. but I know the vast majority do not. Which is why I come on the forums yelling no no no just taking a BJJ class doesn't fix your ground game as it relates to self defense and combatives.
The DTE (Direct Torres Escrima) head instructor I am currently training under has 20+ years of Kali/Escrima/EPAK/amateur boxing/Lima Lama Kung fu/Judo and competitive western wrestling. He has an associate instructor come in on Thursdays who is a BJJ black belt, but he over sees the class and constantly makes changes. I can tell you, his take on BJJ and the other grappling arts is fascinatingly different from other practitioners of those same arts. It has been awesome seeing his adaptation of those arts to a combative application.
It has very much cemented my views on the changes that are absolutely mandatory when trying to apply BJJ etc to real life SD.
Redundant philosophical soap box rant concluded. Thank you all for your patience.