Japanese Jujutsu has ground fighting too!

bMunky said:
I never thought that japanese jujitsu doesnt have groundfighting. I always found my style of Jujitsu one of the best for selfdefense, since it's all about the stand up game. We incorporate it all pretty much, atemi, joint locks, stand up fighting, ground fighting but we always stress getting back to the feet so we try to end whats on the ground as quick as possible.

yes very true, this is what sensei always said, we learn escapes from ground pins so that we could get back up!

My sensei like sto focus a LOT on yawara techniques shes a beast when it comes to joint locks

you must be practicing a lot of akushu dori escapes then :) I dont want to shake your hand :P (kidding)

, and one of her diciples sensei chris LOVES ground work when he comes in to the class gonna be lots of ground work and ne waza randori. We do all types of randori in class, we judo randori except we once we're down match is over no chokes. And we have ne waza randori where we start off on our knees and the slap the mat and then go at it.

so you have started the Shime Te list too? That's very nice. I don't like ground fighting (I am small) but my larger friends seemed to enjoy doing it. Make them feels like a gracie ;)

I find japanese jujitsu to be extremely complete. Everything si doen on the defensive though not many "attacks" thats why I love the system it was developed for selfdefense during modern times (not to modern but modern enough as in not created thousands of years ago). This system is perfect fo rthe folks who dont want to actually fight, or religous type folks where fighting is against ones religion, the only other martial art like that is aikido and as my sensei teaches both and makes us take aikido for foot work I can say that DZR Jujitsu will help way more in the long run for selfdefense.

Yes very true, I was a striking arts practitioner before joining Jujutsu, and jujutsu/aikido/judo is the only martial art which enables us to win fights without injurying the attacker.

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