I think the hardest thing for me to understand is the idea of training to fight someone who is untrained vs training to fight someone who is trained. This "untrained brawler" or "drunk thug". I understand the rationale, but I'm just not sure it makes any sense to me.
Wow, if I could rep ya about 10 more times for this post I would!!! Couldnt agree more with this. Sure, there are probably no armies of evil Gracies and Shamrocks and FMA killers running around, but OTOH, why should we assume everyone will be a pushover?
I'll see if I can explain a bit more, as this is not really what I am talking about. An untrained person is not an unskilled one, an unexperienced one, or not a dangerous one. And certainly not a pushover (if they were, there'd hardly be any reason to train, would there?).
The idea is really about understanding what you are training for. A street predator is concerned only with attacking, hurting, injuring. It's typically not anything personal, just a vent really. They are typically already experienced at hurting/assaulting people, and as such are confident in their successes and approach. They are also 110% commited to hurting you.
What they are not is a fighter. There is really no interest in fighting someone, just injuring them. This dictates completely different strategies and tactics to a "trained" fighter. So if your training is based around only a trained fighter, you may want to expand it. Again, both are dangerous, but they are also different, and preparing for one is not preparation for the other. There are similarities, but there are also big differences.
When you are assessing a potential threat in a bar, do you assume your opponent is unarmed, or are you careful to consider the possibility that he has a knife or a gun? Isn't that part of self defense? How is lack of training any different? If I'm trained in BJJ, I'm armed. Why wouldn't you train to account for that?
When I worked in Corrections, I assumed, until I knew for sure, that every inmate that I was dealing with, was armed with a makeshift weapon. I assumed that every inmate, regardless of size, was a capable fighter. And I'd be willing to bet that every LEO assumes that any time they deal with a person during an investigation, on a car stop, is possibly armed.
Again, lack of training is not the same as lack of danger, it is just a different form to expect, with different parameters, different tactics and strategies, different methods, and so on. And a capable fighter doesn't necessarily require training, after all. So assessing danger is definately part of it, agreed. But there's a big difference between assessing their ability to cause serious harm, and whether or not they've trained in one system or another. After all, are we to be expected to know every possible system that someone could have trained in, and ways to defeat them, or should it be more a matter of being able to recognise potential danger in any form (including the more likely without formal training), and have your own solidly drilled and tested strategies and tactics to handle that?
It seems much more reasonable, given a goal of preparing for self defense, to assume that every potential opponent is armed, whether that's with a weapon, with some training at a particular range, or both.
No, I'd say it's much more reasonable to assume that a potential opponent is dangerous, for reasons such as previous experience, commitment to hurting you, and a percieved advantage (size, strength, alcohol, drugs, weapon, friends, prior success, etc). While training can make someone dangerous, it also tends to attract people who are less likely to be attackers (not saying it can't or doesn't happen, just that it is less likely than an "untrained" person), so training for the strategies and tactics of those less likely to be your opponents, rather than the tactics and strategies of those that are more likely doens't make much sense to me....
Recognise the danger they represent, and recognise that that does not equate to training.
Then again, I've often said that no martial art is really good for self defence (at it's purest form) as no martial art is designed for it. That's why the "self defence" part of my classes are removed from the "martial art" part of it. One provides form and structure for the other, but I don't mistake them for being the same thing.