Kenpo Associations

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What organization are you part of

  • IKKA

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  • IKKO


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Mr. Conaster....
I was just wondering..
Now the better question.......... It's not "how many" but rather how many "good" associations are out there.
what, to you, constitutes a "good" association and a "Bad" one???
Thanks for sharing...
Your Brother
Originally posted by Brother John
What, to you, constitutes a "good" association and a "Bad" one??? Thanks for sharing... Your BrotherJohn

To me, an association is one that is led by a Knowledgeable Instructor with an acredited background, that loves to teach and share Kenpo. The curriculum is well based and fortified by the teachings of Ed Parker, and the methods of instruction are well defined and progressive.

There is always an open line to get help for the instructors and students alike. Honesty and Credibility is also a big issue as there are many today claiming advanced ranks that are self issued. Basics must be taught and trained continually and reinforced thru proper promotions that truly have student skills growing and being developed vs. testing just for acqusition and monetary gain.

Logic must be a foundational aspect as well as the accurate history of American Kenpo and who did what and when. Kenpo is rich in traditions but we are not required to be dominated by them. Respectful and well mannered Instructors and students are a tradition in Kenpo that I see losing ground. Respect others point of views and allow them their perspective even if it may differ from yours. Mr. Parker always gave and received respect and was always polite and well mannered unlike many of today.

A good organization hides nothing but encourages research and openness but on a timely basis. You don't send 1st graders out to talk with college professors until they have developed skills and maturity so as to ask intelligent questions and not just juvenile jabber.

Standardization as well as variable, knowledgeable options and how to utilize them is paramount in the development of excellent students. A camaraderie and loyalty between the different instructors and studios around the world and constant sharing and expansion of ideas. Learn the old, evaluate, then research and develop the new.

In the end a true treasure......... a quality product in the attitude, skills and actions of all the members involved.

You reaffirmed my faith that I am in the right place then!!
Your Brother


  • $akki_crest_smallblue.gif
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Originally posted by Goldendragon7

Now the better question.......... It's not "how many" but rather how many "good" associations are out there.

Answer ........ very few!


Well said but IÂ’m sure that each member of a respectful organization will defines his/hers organization as good
So how many organizations are there?

That site has a huge collection of pictures of patches. That should cover most kenpo associaitons although not all those patches are from associaitons and some associations probably don't have a patch there. It should give you an idea of just how many their are though...
Originally posted by Goldendragon7

At my last count....... just under 100, but probably about a dozen or so are truly credible.

Yep that what I thought, how many of them are ran by E.Parker first generation students?
Originally posted by Brother John

Just wondering what this means:

A turin turambar turun ambartanen.

Your Brother

When J.R.R. Tolkien was writing his mythology that eventually was published in part in The Simarlillion one of the stories is the tragedy of a man who takes the name Turin Turambar. He is a mighty warrior (slays dragons and all that) but his life is beset by tragedy (kills his best friend by mistake, family and friends killed due to his actions, folly leads to a city being destroyed, werid relashionship with a half-sister etc). The name he takes to hide his identity, Turin Turambar, means master of doom. However, in the end he cant avoid his fate and dies a sad death. Anyway his tomb reads the phrase you commeneted on, it means "Master of Doom by doom masterd." It just struck me when I read it years ago and I've used it as a forum quote for years. Kind of a personal thing for me as well. I like to think I have free will and can choose my own destinty but their is always that nagging fear that I can't and will realize that at the end.
Originally posted by Elfan

When J.R.R. Tolkien was writing his mythology that eventually was published in part in The Simarlillion one of the stories is the tragedy of a man who takes the name Turin Turambar. He is a mighty warrior (slays dragons and all that) but his life is beset by tragedy (kills his best friend by mistake, family and friends killed due to his actions, folly leads to a city being destroyed, werid relashionship with a half-sister etc). The name he takes to hide his identity, Turin Turambar, means master of doom. However, in the end he cant avoid his fate and dies a sad death. Anyway his tomb reads the phrase you commeneted on, it means "Master of Doom by doom masterd." It just struck me when I read it years ago and I've used it as a forum quote for years. Kind of a personal thing for me as well. I like to think I have free will and can choose my own destinty but their is always that nagging fear that I can't and will realize that at the end.


I thought everyone knew that. :confused:

When J.R.R. Tolkien was writing his mythology that eventually was published in part in The Simarlillion

I LOVE J.R.R. Tolkien. When the movie came out last year I saw it 6 times. Now I own a copy and have watched it many more. I've been reading the books for the first time too. I read "The Hobit" when I was younger and it was OK. Never did get around to the Rings until just last year before the movie started. I'm most of the way through the 3rd book now and loving it!!!
Plan on reading the Simarilillion next.

Your Brother

PS: Hey Wes.... Suuuure I knew that. Of course. Don't be silly.
I was just............testing him.
Yeah.. that's it.

"...Not all that wonder are lost..."


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Originally posted by KenpoTess

Endorsing we go.. endorsing we gooo.. Hi ho the IKKO endorsing .. we gooooo.. :)

Hey Tess

You haven't been around much lately. Did that hansome hubby of yours sweep you off to a romantic holiday or something?

Originally posted by KenpoGirl

Hey Tess

You haven't been around much lately. Did that hansome hubby of yours sweep you off to a romantic holiday or something?


Hiya Dot~!!

well the or something is right~!! Actually I've been working on a project with Mr. C. which takes all of my time outside of the studio!! When the project is Complete.. I'm going to need a Holiday for sure~!! :rofl:
I hope all is well with you :)


Originally posted by KenpoTess

Hiya Dot~!!

well the or something is right~!! Actually I've been working on a project with Mr. C. which takes all of my time outside of the studio!! When the project is Complete.. I'm going to need a Holiday for sure~!! :rofl:
I hope all is well with you :)



Is this top secret?:eek:
Originally posted by RCastillo

Is this top secret?:eek:

Hmmms.. Have you been told what 'It' is? Ricardo? I don't want to have to send Seig and Mr. C. on a mission...:apv:

When the time is right.. All shall be unveiled..

*dissolving into the mist*
Just as "not all those who wander are lost"

spelling has never been my strong suit...


Truth is, when I really care or when it's a very long post, I first write it out in Word to spell check, then cut and paste here.
Oh well...

Content over correctness...
Your Bruthur


  • $beholder_hovering_md_wht.gif
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Originally posted by Brother John

spelling has never been my strong suit...


My spelling is atrotious as well. I don't know what I would do without a spell checker.
Originally posted by Elfan

My spelling is atrotious as well. I don't know what I would do without a spell checker.


Actually, it's ATROCIOUS, but we know what you mean. :)

Something I've always wondered about....

How come the word PHONETICALLY isn't spelled the way it sounds? :confused:
