Karl Rove - Valerie Plame - Joseph Wilson - Exposing a CIA covert operative

A 12 hour head start ... Nice

And, don't you just love the fact that Mr. Luskin (Mr. Rove's attorney) is now an 'un-named source'.

This now appears significant: in pursuing Russert's testimony, Fitzgerald was testing statements by White House aides—reportedly including Libby—that they learned about Wilson's wife from reporters, not classified documents. Libby's lawyer did not respond to requests for comment. A source close to Karl Rove, who requested anonymity because the FBI asked participants not to comment publicly, says the White House aide—who passed info about Wilson's wife to Time's Matt Cooper—only knew about her CIA job from either a reporter or "somebody" who heard it from a reporter; he can't remember which or who. Rove did not initially discuss his talk with Cooper with the FBI, but later volunteered info about it and called agents' attention to a subpoenaed e-mail he had written to national-security aide Stephen Hadley mentioning the conversation, the source said.

Can anyone imagine who might be 'leaking' this specific information .... and isn't it nice that the story continues to change, seemingly every day.
  • Mr. Rove wasn't invovled
  • Mr. Rove didn't know her name
  • Mr. Rove didn't know she worked at the CIA
  • Mr. Rove didn't know her identity was secret
  • Mr. Rove only confirmed what a reporter said
  • Mr. Rove learned her name from a reporter
  • Mr. Rove learned her name from a reporter - or someone else
  • Mr. Rove learned her name from a reporter - or someone else who learned her name from a reporter
This probably deserves a thread of its own ... but for now... here is appropriate.

Mr. Bush, is Karl Rove going to resign?


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Robert Novak has just seen his stock go down. He has been suspended from CNN. He walked off a set during an interview, and left/right discussion with Carville.


Hopefully, it is the last we see of him.
For those following this National Security debacle.

It seems that reports of Ms. Plame's involvement in Mr. Wilson's 2002 trip to Niger are greatly exaggerated. Several news reports today are confirming earlier, hard to find statements, that officials higher up in the CIA chose Mr. Wilson for the investigation into claims of Iraqi uranium purchases in Niger.

The Ambassador had been on a similar investigative mission to Africa in 1999. Ms. Plame apparently did suggest Mr. Wilson for the 1999 mission. When Mr. Rove and Mr. Libby were attempting to discredit Mr. Wilson, they apparently were given incorrect information as to whom was involved in organizing the mission.

1999 - Plame suggests Wilson for fact finding trip to Africa - Yes.

2002 - Plame suggests Wilson for fact finding trip to Africa - No.

Recall, the White House reports that Mr. Rove was trying to 'set the record straight' with Mr. Cooper during the phone call which exposed Ms. Plame's covert status to the reporter (a violation of rules Mr. Rove agreed to when attaining access to classified information). Apparently, Mr. Rove was incompetent when setting the record straight.
From Salon.com:


On Plame, the dots connect and a picture fades into view
And why does it matter? Two reasons. First, if the information came from the State Department report, that means it didn't come -- at least not initially -- from some vaguely remembered journalist, as Karl Rove has suggested. Second, if the information came from the report, whoever was leaking it ought to have known that it shouldn't be leaked. As Pincus and his colleague Jim VandeHei have written previously, the section of the report dealing with Plame's identity was marked with an "(S)" for secret, "a clear indication that any Bush administration official who read it should have been aware the information was classified."

Go to Salon to read the whole article. Apparently, Rove revealed information that was explicitly marked as secret. Also apparently, Bush and his cronies are above the law.
Judy Miller was released from prison today. She will testify before Mr. Fitzpatrick's Grand Jury on Friday.

Ms. Miller's release came about after confirming that I. Lewis Libby's blanket waiver included permission for her to testify. Mr. Libby's confirmation apparently was given to Ms. Miller a couple of weeks ago by telephone.

I. Lewis Libby is the Cheif of Staff to the Vice President of the United States, Richard Cheney.

One thing that is odd, is the list of 'visitors' Ms. Miller received during her 80 days in jail. There were some pretty big names visiting the jailed journalist; one of the more interesting John Bolton, appointed Ambassador to the United Nations.
The Vice President's Chief of Staff, I. Lewis Libby, in conversations with Ms. Miller (of the New York Times - All the News that's fit to Print), asked that information he conveyed to Ms. Miller be attributed to a 'Former Hill Staffer'.

Ms. Miller (The New York Times) agreed to attribute information in this manner.

Apparently, at some point in his history, served on Capital Hill (as a Legal Advisor - it is unclear for whom).

Ms. Miller's first person version of recent events are published on the New York Times website and will be in tomorrow's edition of the Times. Also, an article written by three New York Times is also published on the web, and assumingly will be in print tomorrow, that details the events from the Times point of view.

When a Newspaper agrees to attribute information in a manner intended to dilute and diffuse that information, it is my belief it is doing a disservice to its readers.

Shame on the New York Times.
This week could be 'Zero Hour' for the outing of Valerie Plame, initiated over two years ago by Robert Novak. There will be a great deal of spin coming from all directions.

Media Matters has compiled many of the existing spin falsehoods concerning this issue for those who wish to know the truth. I will abbreviate them here:

  • It is legally significant whether the leakers disclosed Plame's name in their conversations with reporters
  • Wilson said that Cheney sent him to Niger
  • Plame suggested Wilson for the trip to Niger
  • Wilson was not qualified to investigate the Niger claims
  • Plame's CIA employment was widely known
  • Fitzgerald must prove that Plame's covert status was leaked
  • Fitzgerald's investigation was originally limited to possible violation of 1982 law
  • Leak investigation is the result of partisan motivations
  • Leaks go on all the time in Washington
The extent of this issue is actually beginning to scare me. There is every indication that both President Bush and Vice President Cheney have been aware of, and participated in the cover-up. Cheney may actually be shown to be involved in the crime.

Suggestions have been made that all of those close to the President resign. Speculation has been put forward that Elaine Chao, Karen Hughes, or Jeb Bush end up as the Vice President.

The Executive Branch of government may be a non-functional entity for the next 3 years.
michaeledward said:
The Executive Branch of government may be a non-functional entity for the next 3 years.

Given it's behavior for the past 5 years (almost), that would be a good thing. Assuming, of course, you considering it "functional" at the moment. It's certainly debatable.
It is now being reported that Vice President Richard Cheney disclosed to I. Lewis Libby Mrs. Wilson's employment at the Central Intelligence Agency more than one month before Robert Novak reported about her.

That Mr. Libby learned of Mrs. Wilson's (Plame's) employment from the Vice President is not necessarily a violation of any laws. It is assumed that both men have appropriate security clearances for conversations about 'Classified', 'Secret', and 'Top Secret' information.

As Mr. Fitzgerald's grand jury term is set to expire on Friday, it is expected any indictments will be issued this week. The number of reports, and leaks has grown dramatically in the last two weeks. Many of those questioned seem to be pointing fingers at others. (Rove pointing at Libby - Libby Pointing at Rove - Hannah pointing at Wurmser - now, Libby pointing at Cheney).

This is a dangerous time for the Executive Branch of government.



I'm thinking that an awful lot of people must have added me to their 'Ignore Lists' .... it seems awfully quiet from the right the past few weeks.

I. Lewis Libby was indicted on five charges today. He promptly resigned.

Two counts of Perjury
Two counts of providing False Testimony
One count of Obstruction of Justice

The grand jury investigation remains open. Further indictments may still be coming. There are many unanswered questions.

The indictment can be read here:
Today I listened for about 20 minutes of a combination of Al Franken and Rush Limbaugh talking about this subject.

I swear it was really hard to tell that they were actually talking about the same people. Really bizarre.

No, I'm not taking sides, I don't know enough to take sides and don't really honestly trust much of anyone on the subject to actually tell me 'the truth' yet, anyway. It's just weird hearing two different people with very obvious[ly different] poltical agendas talk about the same events
FearlessFreep said:
No, I'm not taking sides, I don't know enough to take sides and don't really honestly trust much of anyone on the subject to actually tell me 'the truth' yet, anyway. It's just weird hearing two different people with very obvious[ly different] poltical agendas talk about the same events

If, at any time, you were motivated to learn 'the truth', at least as objectively as you might be able to find, a good place to start is with the Special Prosecutor's web page.


This web page includes a copy of the indictment. The indictment against Mr. Libby is 22 pages long, double spaced and very easy to read.

Be aware the indictment is very limited in its scope. It explains when Mr. Libby gave false statements investigating FBI officers. It explains when Mr. Libby gave perjurious statements to the Federal Grand Jury, it explains how these items impeded Mr. Fitzgerald's investigation.

What the indictment doesn't tell you, is the context around those alleged activities. For that information, you could ask me.
FearlessFreep said:
No, I'm not taking sides, I don't know enough to take sides and don't really honestly trust much of anyone on the subject to actually tell me 'the truth' yet, anyway. It's just weird hearing two different people with very obvious[ly different] poltical agendas talk about the same events

FearlessFreep .... this came out of an article in the Washington Post. It is decidedly not what happened.

Ellen Mulligan, 34, a Republican and part-time art teacher who lives in Hamden, Conn., was one of these. "If I understood what happened, Vice President Cheney's adviser spoke to his wife and then she leaked the secret," Mulligan said.

That is not an allegation in the indictment, but though Mulligan may not know exactly what happened, the scandal for her is both typical Washington and part of a broader pattern of ethical challenges in this administration. "My actual opinion is more, 'Here we go again.' Every administration has their secrets and has some corruption," she said. But she is disappointed with Bush on the ethics front. "I think Bush's actions in certain situations are pretty much unethical, [though] not illegal. . . .

Wow .... one man, one vote, indeed.
Short thoughts on the last three weeks.

* Woodward knew - but didn't say. For someone so much on the 'inside', that is an interesting circumstance.

* Libby's lawyers are claiming this, obviously, exonerates Libby. But, actually not so much. Libby's indictment is because he claimed Russert told him. Russert denies that.

* One argument is: 'This shows Fitzgerald didn't know everything when he indicted Libby'. Fitzgerald has said he doesn't know everything, he can't know everything because Libby obstructed justice, perjured himself, and gave false statements to prevent Fitzgerald from knowing everything. 'The Truth' is the fundamental element of the American Justice system.

* Rove is still in Fitzgerald's cross hairs. - He's got to be sweating.
The Times of London is reporting that Steven Hadley, the current National Security Advisor, is the Administration Official that first leaked Valerie Wilson's name and employer to Bob Woodward.

At the time, Mr. Hadley was assistant to National Security Advisor Rice.
For those who are not uncurious about the 'fabrication' the Bush administration pushed on the American public, there is a new name ...

Alain Chouet

Alain Chouet is French for Joseph Wilson, apparently.

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