As someone else indicated earlier ... if Ms. Plames covert status was public knowledge prior to Mr. Novak's column (and Mr. Rove's and Mr. Libby's confirmations), why would the CIA ask the Justice Department to being an investigation into who released the information?Ray said:http://www.antimedia.us/posts/1121317604.shtml
Using links in from here, I can find stories from other newspapers that say Plame's identification as a cia operative was public knowledge before 2003. I can also find newspaper accounts that say Rove exposed her in 2003.
Who to believe?
Answering this question, allows us to begin to understand the other news reports.
But, regardless of what was common knowledge when, did Mr. Rove have the authority to confirm the information to a reporter. No - not according to the agreement he signed when given Top Secret Security Clearances.
Also, when the President asked for those in his administration to come forward with any information about the leak (20 months ago), did Mr. Rove inform the President that he confirmed Ms. Plame's employment to Mr. Novak or that he informed Mr. Cooper of Mrs. Wilson's employment - as the President demanded? If so, what actions has the President taken based on that knowledge? (I mean, other than promoting Mr. Rove?)
Oh, and Pheonix44 --- be sure to check out David Corn's blog. The Right Wing smear machine is not trying to spin the story that David Corn (writer for 'The Nation') actually broke Ms. Plames 'covert' status. Mr. Corn slices and dices the accusations into a fine salsa, but, that doesn't stop the story from being repeated. Over and Over and Over.