Originally posted by Yiliquan1
I have to agree with my Sifu...
Something I think most folks forget is that the typical idiot we are up against is not a trained martial artist. The "bad guy" is unlikely to have the discipline, money, dedication or time to put into training in martial arts, regardless of style.
So training against a sai, bo, nunchaku or tonfa wielding attacker, though a faultless practice in and of itself, would be completely different than dealing with a box cutter weilding, frightened sociopath bent on separating you from your wallet.
I have to echo those sentiments.
Most nunchaku wielding numnuts do the “Bruce Lee” version with the weapon which is not that difficult to defend against. In fact I would rather face him than the guy with the box cutter any day.
Originally posted by Yiliquan1
I think that if we are going to classify styles into MMA, TMA, etc., we need to define TMA in more detail, to include traditional arts that make use of continual development to deal with advances in technology (just as our archaic ancestors did to deal with the use of weapons instead of simple bare hands), and those that have decided to focus on preservation of the ancient techniques instead. In the latter case, arts such as iaido, kendo, kobudo come to mind.
Again I agree.
Using Kobudo as a practical weapon art today doesnÂ’t make much sense.
However, the lessons learned from training in Kobudo are useful in empty hand encounters. (Footwork/hand motion/balance/timing/power etc)
Heck, just training with a weapon in your hand is good for muscular development if nothing else.