

White Belt
Nov 3, 2005
Reaction score
Westport, CT
I teach a progressive style of the Karambit. I teach it with a more modern approach. Does any one else use the Karambit in their curriculum? My style is a medly of Indo and Fillipino styles.
mleone said:
I teach a progressive style of the Karambit. I teach it with a more modern approach. Does any one else use the Karambit in their curriculum? My style is a medly of Indo and Fillipino styles.

Yes, I train the karambit. I'v done & seen indo styles but, most of my training is based on Sayoc kali's, Tuhon Ray Dionaldo's material. To me it seems like a blend of Sayoc & modern Arnis, It's very aggressive & fluid. I'm curious, could you elaborate on what you mean by a progressive/modern approach? It sounds to me like you have alot of experiance with the karambit & interesting approach to your training. Good thread!
I too was in the Sayoc system and also trained with Modern Arnis Guys.
I put a "spin on the karambit no pun intended". So my approach is quite the blend.
Not a bad place to start, Sayoc, modern arnis & indo. I think that the karambit is such an interesting weapon, it really seems to lend itself to alot of creativity. One of the best things about it is that it can be used as a very good controlling device, not just a deadly weapon. Of course another great thing about it is that it's almost impossible to disarm & you don't have to worry about your hand rideing up on the blade. Another thing that I'v learned is that karambit training will help to build your skills with the strait blade.
I actually mixed CQC Knife Some NHB Fillipino and Indo styles.

So I have a unique medly.
The cqc style
The Nhb integration and unarmed principles
Fillipino Style
and Indo styles

Over all its a unique spawn some stuff never seen before.
Im quite creative....

It was nice chatting with you.

I also use the Karambit (Tiger's Claw) in Pukulan Tjiminde Malay. I love the speed and deadliness of the weapon design.
It's part of my Serak practice. The kerambit fits right into the rest of the curriculum with almost no changes to the moves or methods.
A tiny bit of training with the Karambit. Sayoc's stuff mostly. Sayoc has a number pattern very different than other styles of Kali. The Karambit fits nicely into that. although the Sayoc system does has use for the Karambit, most of what they do is based on Pentjak made muda and Harimau, I believe.
I think the Sayoc vital template numbering system, in general, serves a different purpose than the numbering systems of other FMA systems.

Though the Sayoc kerambit DVD does have some silat material in it (sorry, can't remember the guy's name and if I dig for the DVD now, I'll wake people up), I remember Tuhon Dionaldo introducing the kerambit at FCS Gatherings a few years ago, and it all seemed like a natural extension or evolution of his knifework.

Not that it really matters...the material is still excellent, regardless :)

Thanks...I hate not being able to give credit where it's due.

Thanks again,

The Indo material is awesome in that DVD. Tuhon Dionaldo basically says that the material shown on the Karambit he shows can be used with any weapon, but works best with the Karambit. so, I can see it being an extension of his current knife work. I guess that makes him very skilled to be able to pick up a foreign weapon and adapt it to his Sayoc skills.