Karambit training

  • Thread starter Thread starter WannaBeAmachine
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Hi OULobo,

You and everyone else is welcome to the FCS Gatherings!

There are all kinds of styles represented at the Ray's FCS Gatherings. Here are some of the styles and organizations that were at the last Gathering:

Ed Parker Kenpo, Jee Kun Do, Sayoc-Kali, Pambuan Arnis Tulisan, Shaolin Kung-fu, Jee Kun Do, IKAA Sil-Lum Kung-Fu, IMAF, INC, Wada-Ryu, Kuntao, Hapikdo, Inosanto Blend Kali, and Tae Kwon Do/Modern Arnis to name a few.

People have come from as far away as Puerto Rico, California, Utah, and Maine.

Alot of different people who love to train attend and check their egos and titles at the door.

When Guro Ray announces the Gathering, I am sure that either Cthulhu, Leo Daher, or myself will post here on MartialTalk.



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