Karambit training

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I've been to several of Tarani's karambit seminars... will be going to one in October and another in November of this year. I can't think of anyone else I would rather train under for this particular blade because he trains with both the MA expertise (years and years under Pak Herman Suwanda in Mande Muda Silat) as well as the military defense angle/practical street application. His study of the weapon and it's MA of origin is waaay extensive as can be seen by the blades he's designed (the fixed karambit made by strider and the folders made by Blade Tech). It's a really nice meld of the old with the new. His teaching techniques are also comprehensive and easy to follow.

Hey Michelle!!!

Nice to see you here! Now we gotta get that KarambitChick to post..........

If you're going to get a Karambit, make sure you check out the Karambit.com site and the materials that are there. Anybody regardless of skill level can benefit from the books, or tapes. :asian:

The Strider H-S (Tarani Karambit) truly rocks!!!
I have to agree that the karambits that Tarani designs are great, but a little on the pricey side. Those M-tech cheapies are clunky, but decent and disposable.
Hey yourself! LOL. I don't think Sandy (thatkarambitchick) will be posting here. She's more on the business side of things as Steve's business partner... not so much the MA application end of things as a rule. I don't think she lurks these boards... but that's okay cause I don't read the Wall Street Journal. LOL But I'll send her a link and see if she wants to jump in.

It's good to be here. I first landed here researching Systema, but found so many cool forums/threads.... it's heaven here. :D

As for Steve's karambits being pricey... ummm... maybe a little...I have both folders and the strider fixed (the strider being my personal fa-vor-ite), but alas, you get what you pay for and you pay for what you get. Especially with the folders, its important for me to know it's not going to fail and leave me without fingers to type with. That's worth a little extra money IMHO. :p

And the strider... well... I think it's worth every penny. It's all a matter of priorities I suppose... I see what some people pay for a car and think they are out of their minds...but that's because its not my passion or my priority. Quality costs though, no matter what the product is.

I know the Malaysian special forces group uses the kerambit as a symbol on their coat of arms. I think this may be what the book is refering to.
What systems regularly train the Kerambit? It sounds as though Pentjak Silat contains kerambit-appropriate techniques but doesn't necessarily train it explicitly.

My experience at the MN Kali Group (Inosanto Kali, Pekiti Tersia, Mande Muda, others) has shown me that most of the Southeast Asian arts that deal with knives will address the Kerambit simply through cross polinization. Silat style that have a strong Harimau or Pak Makan (both names of tiger style silat) influence will definately have techniques with the Kerambit (tiger claw).

My practice with it in Mande Muda/Harimau has shown me that most hooking of joints that are normally done with the emptyhand are improved by implimenting the kerambit. Simple levers and imbalances become life threating because of the way the human anatomy orients most of our viens and arteries in the wrists, elbows, inner knee, and hip.

IMO it is not as effective as a standard fixed blade when used as a classic cutting weapon used while striking standard angles of attack. Like when targeting with knife or stick. The smaller blade may not be as effective at this range but it can do the job.

But when used for cutting on the body, once a parry/cut and entry is made the Kerambits effectiveness comes from targeting targets high or mid body or limb and using the drop of your body weight to drag the hooked blade across or down the target body. That is where this blade excels! The targets taught usually take advantage of anatomical vulnerabilites, and gravity and nature do the rest!

Steve Tarani's book is a nice introduction, I haven't tried his videos yet, but I would like to! In fact I look forward any new material.

As Pesilat and Cthulthu has mentioned, Guro Ray Dionaldo does teach the kerambit. He also holds seminars for Kerambit training. And as a blade, it is currently his specialty of choice.

He also does have a video on the kerambit but ethically speaking I must note that I was one of the producers.

If you would like to see a clip of him in action, please visit my website at www.ncfcskaliusa.com/kerambit.html.

But I am not refering to my site as a commercial nor evey time do I post I am trying to troll people to my new training group or seminar. Shesssh!!! Everyone by this time should know in the Kenpo, Knife, FMA, and now indochinese forums that there is a kenpokerambit group:)

Originally posted by Palusut
As Pesilat and Cthulthu has mentioned, Guro Ray Dionaldo does teach the kerambit. He also holds seminars for Kerambit training. And as a blade, it is currently his specialty of choice.

Yup. And when Guro Ray does it, he's the epitome of "weapon as extension of self." He's excellent with it (excellent in general, but he really shines with the kerambit).

Pesilat, you've got to try making it down to one of the next FCS Family Gatherings, man.

Originally posted by Cthulhu
Pesilat, you've got to try making it down to one of the next FCS Family Gatherings, man.


LOL. I've not been to an FCS event, but met Guro Ray and some of his folks at a Sayoc event. I would highly recommend you get down there. I can't imagine that you'd be disappointed :)

Ray has Family Gatherings about twice a year. You should get down to Florida for one of them. Besides the training, you'll get to meet up with quite a few MT members :)

Cthulhu is right! We have an awesome time of training and we are open to all people of all experience levels.

On a side note, Tampa is an awesome place for a family vacation and if you are single, it is a cool place to hang out! The experiences are of legend!!!

Pictures attached:

Ybor City is awesome!!!
Note: Individual experiences may vary!!!:D


  • $wildtime_yborcity.webp
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Originally posted by Cthulhu
Ray has Family Gatherings about twice a year. You should get down to Florida for one of them. Besides the training, you'll get to meet up with quite a few MT members :)


I'd love to get down there for one of them. Give me some details :)

Last one was back in August. There are about two Family Gatherings a year, usually on a Saturday and Sunday. When the date of the next Gathering is announced, I'll be sure to let you know!

Originally posted by Cthulhu
Last one was back in August. There are about two Family Gatherings a year, usually on a Saturday and Sunday. When the date of the next Gathering is announced, I'll be sure to let you know!


Awesome :) With my schedule and the not-so-short distance to Florida, there's a good chance I won't be able to make it - but if I can, I'll be there.

Originally posted by arnisador
What's that?

Ybor City is in downtown Tampa.

It is the former Cigar manufacturing center of town.

Well, they close Ybor City streets down mainly from Thursday to Sundays and it is almost like the French Quarter in New Orleans, but PG-13/NC-17!!!

There are wall to wall night clubs of all kinds of whatever interests.

Ybor City is party central and its awesome also for its diversity and mix of people.

It also has sushi bars, Victoria's Secrets, and movie theater right downtown as well.

And that is just one of the hang outs. The other hang outs and the stories of such are kept quiet to protect the innocent and guilty alike!!!:eek:

One the family side, there are so many attractions between Orlando and Tampa to keep it family friendly as well.

There is Disney, Busch Gardens, Sea World, Universal Studios, and the other home grown attraction in the area.

And depending on whern you go and your taste in hotels, it can be a very cheap training trip.

Typically Guro Ray only charges $75.00 for a two-day FCS Gathering. The atmosphere is cool. There are all kinds of people from all walks of life, men and women, rich and powerful, poor and broke who attend. Everyone is welcome to train!!! And we have fun!!!



Attached is another picutre from the same night as the other picture.


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Please let me (and not my fiancee) know when the next gathering is. If it is open to other systems I would love to attend.

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