Hand Sword said:
Greetings and much respect to you GM Kuoha! It's truly an honor to be able to communicate with you. Lately I've been focussing on the evolution aspect of kenpo/kempo, where I was asking the other kenpo stylists what their systems changed or added to the kenpo originally taught to them or instructors and why it was changed. None could really answer the question due to no one being familiar with the system that Professor Chow taught and practiced. I was curios as to what the professor stressed as the focal points regarding his self defense combos, or what he felt was needed to add from what he learned. Thank you for your time, and again respect to you and yours.
**What was told to me by Professor Chow, was that from the beginning when he used to teach, he first taught a couple students in his back yard teaching them teachniques that his father taught him. After a while he joined up with Mitosi and started to teach more of his (Mitosi) style then that of which he learned from his father. At that time he was teaching techniques and kata but all of the Japanese enfluence and not the Chinese that he originally was taught. After his breaking away from Mitosi he began teaching a small band of students, which were of the linear techniques (12) which then derived into hundreds of techniques derived into reaction techniques. He was an avid physical trainer so much of the training was done to build the strength of the body and then you would go through these linear techniques for hours and hours. He said there was allot that he wanted to teach but held off teaching them for several reasons, one of which he could not trust anyone. He had depended on several men that became his top students, but they all left or loss contact after a while. This hurt him dearly and this 'caused his mind to become calous towards anyone, because so many had taken advantage of him. Be it the same with me when I first tried to train with him again, he was extremly cautious and did not want to teach me anything, because he was hurt so much before by many who came for a short couple of weeks, gave him some money, had him sign their certificates and then used his name for their own gains. Tho' I had been training in his system for many years prior with his student Charles Kuuheana and met him in person, he still did not trust me. It was only because my mother was a friend of his wife's, Patsy that I was able to get into his good graces acknowledged by my mother that I was not the same as these others.
I would spend many hours training in the basics, and even tho' I thought I was doing them perfectly, he felt that I wasn't. After many visits and hours, he started finally opening up to me and even had me bring a tape recorder so he could tell me everything about his life and his training, pass students, et all, which I did. *These are held in the Kara-Ho Kempo's archives and are not used for the public.
As I said in the beginning he only taught the 12 Professor Chow's linear techniques and only after many years, he started to teach me the advanced stages of the Kara-Ho Kempo Karate System, having to ward and defend against up to 15 opponents at a time and to defeat them all in a matter of seconds. These were the one blow/strike technique that would immobilize, paralize or kill your opponents. These were a work of art on it's own and if you ever have a chance to visit one of our schools where the instructor is at least a 2nd degree black belt going for his 3rd, ask him to demonstrate the advanced techniques of defending against 6-10 people. During this time he observed me practicing on my own doing my high flying kicks from my training in Tae Kwon Do and came up to me and asked how did I learn them and I told him that I did that for some 6.5 years and it was because during a tournament I was caught with one of these kicks and wanted to learn how to do them so I knew the mechanics of them and would never get in that predictament again. He started to work with me on the jumping kicks and helped me revise them as he said that there was openings when I left the ground and helped make them so there was less periods of time that I was left opened. He asked me if I ever did kata and I said yes, from the past systems I had taken. I performed some of them and he asked me if we should include them into our system and I said no, that I believe it would not be Kara-Ho Kempo if we used someone else's katas, so we started to design katas designed from our system's movements. These took years as when we did, he would go over them many times, and would look at what was good and what was useless, remove the useless and improve on the effective things. In the end we came up with "Kwai Sun Kata", "Kata Set II", "Hoshi" and "Combination Kata." Should be mentioned that these are not the same as any other Kenpo system's katas that named them the same as ours'. In fact ours were around in the beginning of time and they made up theirs' after to try to show some relative similar things towards Professor Chow's system. Weapons training and forms were added also in the 70's. I trained in both Japanese and Chinese weapons for many years from top people in their art form. Everything that we have now did already go through Professor Chow's guidance and he did make changes in all of them, to make them better. They were all done with his blessings except for 2 beginner's weapon's (purple and above) katas that I designed after 1987 for those students.
Sorry to be so lengthy but it is so hard to be short and to the point with questions like this and I could have kept writing for another several pages on this subject but if you have any other specific questions, then I can answer those.
Grandmaster Kuoha