

Senior Master
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Nov 21, 2020
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I’ve tried to understand this popular genre of Japanese culture but with little success, finding them a little ‘daft‘ and gaudy compared to the austere elegance of Noh drama. However, I found a great book called ‘Kabuki Greats’ which is a synopsis of several famous plays explaining the story and it’s key highlights that are important in really understanding the tales and their cultural significance. It’s a fascinating, detail-rich read if you fancy a bit of culture.
I tried to go see one while I was there, but ran out of time. My youngest really wants to go, so maybe I need to plan a trip…
I tried to go see one while I was there, but ran out of time. My youngest really wants to go, so maybe I need to plan a trip…
I’d recommend you don’t go ‘blind’. Make sure you know the storyline, the main characters, the main events, otherwise it could be an expensive nap!
This is a very watchable Noh play (alas not Kabuki) about Oppenheimer…much more watchable than recent film 🙄
I’d recommend you don’t go ‘blind’. Make sure you know the storyline, the main characters, the main events, otherwise it could be an expensive nap!
Thanks for the heads up. I will perform my due diligence before booking the trip.
This is a very watchable Noh play (alas not Kabuki) about Oppenheimer…much more watchable than recent film 🙄
It's in English - Unfortunately taking away all the mystery from the incomprehensible Noh plays I've seen. The best part of them is being awed by the "music" and being totally confused about what's going on. Who cares what it's about? It's all about the atmosphere.
It's in English - Unfortunately taking away all the mystery from the incomprehensible Noh plays I've seen. The best part of them is being awed by the "music" and being totally confused about what's going on. Who cares what it's about? It's all about the atmosphere.
If you can remain conscious during a 4 hour performance of something that you can’t understand, then you need to see a sleep specialist! 😴
I’ve tried to understand this popular genre of Japanese culture but with little success, finding them a little ‘daft‘ and gaudy compared to the austere elegance of Noh drama. However, I found a great book called ‘Kabuki Greats’ which is a synopsis of several famous plays explaining the story and it’s key highlights that are important in really understanding the tales and their cultural significance. It’s a fascinating, detail-rich read if you fancy a bit of culture.

Kabuki is the more "common-person" theatre, as opposed to Noh, so, yeah, it can certainly be a lot more gaudy, comical, light, and so on by comparison... but that doesn't mean it's a poor man's Noh, anymore than MCU movies are a poor man's Shakespeare. But, to help get into it, NHK has a show called "Kabuki Cool" that helps explain a lot about the character types, make-up and costuming, stylistic methods, storylines, and far more... that might help get some more out of the experience.