Just returned


Senior Master
MT Mentor
Dec 20, 2005
Reaction score
Sunny San Antonio, TX
Now that I'm back in Alabama, I can study with my ATA instructor again. I'm primarily a karate teacher, but I enjoy my TKD class.
Welcome back SD!

What style of karate do you teach?

How has your study of Taekwondo been enhanced by your Karate? How has your Karate been enhanced by your Taekwondo?

Glad you were able to be back in time for Christmas!
Welcome back SD!

What style of karate do you teach?

How has your study of Taekwondo been enhanced by your Karate? How has your Karate been enhanced by your Taekwondo?


I teach a curriculum based on a combination of Goju Ryu (more of a Peter Urban flavor to it than Yamaguchi or Miyagi, however) and Shotokan with some kenpo movement principles thrown in. I originally took the TKD to enhance my kicks, and it worked. I am now close friends with the TKD instructor and am treated more as a peer than a student.

My TKD was enhanced by the karate in that I was able to analyze the techniques and movement more thoroughly.

Carol...Thanks for the welcome! Its good to be back!
Now that I am up in New york, I have been spending some time at a WTF TKD school in Watertown.

For the third time in my martial career, I return to TKD! This time with in a traditional Dobok.